Brother Ah Enthusiasm Move Ever Onward
Judy Henske Baltimore Oriole High Flying Bird
Ralph Towner Haunted Anthem
American Cafe Orchestra Emma's Waltz Egyptian Dominoes
Medeski, Martin & Wood Nocturne Combustication
Your DJ speaks
Julius Hemphill OK Rubberband Blue Boye
John Corbett & Heavy Friends Speed Hump I'm Sick About My Hat
Nik Bärtsch's Mobile [Track 5] Ritual Groove Music
Maryanne Amacher Dense Boogie 1 Sound Characters
Your DJ speaks
Michael Chorney Does This Elmer Have Heat Orchid
Heiner Goebbels Muller Beimlein Eislermaterial
The Tower Recordings Spirit of Love The Faternity of Moonwalkers
Sideshow The Cage Songs of Charles Ives
Your DJ speaks
Boston Camerata Noe, Noe/Noe, Noe, magnificas est rex pacificus Noël, Noël!: French Christmas Music, 1200-1600
Laura Nyro Christmas in My Soul Christmas and the Beads of Sweat
Gary Lucas and Jozef Van Wissem Will o' the Wisp Diplopia
Gen Ken Montgomery Radiator 1 Pondfloorsample
Your DJ speaks
Sun Ra Kingdom of Not Super-Sonic Jazz
Jimmy Smith I Can't Give You Anything But Love Groovin' at Small's Paradise
Dim Dim Caramba Kiwi
Klimperei Elle Dansait La Machine àTriboulot
Your DJ speaks
Kinks Motorway Everybody's in Show-Biz
Jake Holmes Penny's The Above Ground Sound of Jake Holmes
Roger Smith Spanish Guitar B1 Spanish Guitar
Dylan Nyoukis Release Me from Your Kung Fu Grip The Shield that Pierces the Earth
Lady June Tunion Jady June's Linguistic Leprosy
Your DJ speaks
Sten Hanson Revolution Text-Sound Gems & Trinkets
American Analog Set New Drifters I The Golden Band
Mark Perry Quagga's Last Stand Snappy Turns
Maurice Deebank The Watery Song Pillows & Prayers comp.
Jean Derome Les Préparatifs Canot-Camping
Your DJ speaks
DDAA Nouveaux Bouinages Sonores (excerpt) Nouveaux Bouinages Sonores