Tipographica Naked Lunch Tipographica
Holger Hiller Abacus As Is
Zeena Parkins The Magician Isabelle
John Greaves & David Cunningham The Red Sand Greaves, Cunningham
Your DJ speaks
Meadow House All Petty Substance Flee Tongue Under a Ton of Nine Volters
Greenpot Bluepot Warraw, Pt. 2 Warraw
Kathy Smith It's Taking So Long Folk Is Not a Four-Letter Word comp.
John Entwistle What Kind of People Are They? Smash Your Head Against the Wall
Duke Ellington & His Orchestra Main Title/Anatomy of a Murder Anatomy of a Murder soundtrack
Your DJ speaks
William Parker & the Little Huey Creative Music Orchestra Steps to Noh Mountain Mayor of Punkville
East New York Ensemble de Music Ti-Ti At the Helm
Dielectric Minimalist All-Stars When in Naples, Eat! !!
Your DJ speaks
Grant Green Grant's Tune Solid
Harris Newman Lake Shore Drive Accidents with Nature and Each Other
Elliott Sharp The Passion of Crust Radio Hyper-Yahoo
Ui Blue Pietro The Iron Apple
PAK Got to Get It Right 100% Human Hair
Your DJ speaks
Bernard Parmegiani Vegetal Bernard Parmegiani
Gal It's Like... Relisten
Faun Fables Begin Mother Twilight
Egg The Song of McGillicudie the Pusillanimous Egg
Your DJ speaks
Kevin Coyne + Paradise Band The Millionaires Songs Everybody's Naked
Bob Dylan One of Us Most Know Blonde on Blonde
Robert Wyatt Muddy Mouse/Muddy Mouth Ruth Is Stranger than Richard
Michael Chorney with Polly Vanderputten On Accident Songs in Secret Ink
Fennesz Good Man Field Recordings, 1995-2002
Your DJ speaks
Marianne Faithfull No Child of Mine Before the Poison
Mia Doi Todd Muscle, Bone & Blood Manzanita
Pram Three Wild Georges Sargasso Sea
Deceptikon Autumn Storm Lost Subject
Your DJ speaks
Alva Noto Pulse/Future Transrapid