Frank Pahl Scavenger Dessert The Back of Beyond
Nino Rota Finale LSD Roma
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Klimperei Villages Eveilles Baboler
Miles Davis Black Satin On the Corner
Your DJ speaks
Nurse with Wound ? Scrag
Your DJ speaks
Maximum Joy Silent Street Unlimited, 1979-1983
Fred Frith Spring Any Day Now Gravity
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Plain People of England Siren The Gab: Gift or Curse
Your DJ speaks
Percy 'Thrills' Thrillington Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey Thrillington
Your DJ speaks
Meadow House The Magician's Apprentice Tongue Under a Ton of Nine Volters
X-Ray Pop El Gato 7'
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Turtles Somewhere Friday Night Turtle Soup
Red Krayola Old Tom Clark Singles
Your DJ speaks
Only a Mother Hideous Humunculous Naked Songs for Contortionists
Kinks Phenomenal Cat (mono instrumental) Village Green Preservation Society
Your DJ speaks
Can Moonshake Future Days
The Fox Fuji-Rara Nu-Batik
Your DJ speaks
The United States of America The American Metaphysical Circus The United States of America
Your DJ speaks
Tod Dockstader Song Aerial 1