A Certain Ratio Lucinda Sextet
Aksak Maboul Mercredi Matin/Saure Gurk Onze Danses pour Combattre la Migraine
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Arthur Russell She's the Star/I Take This Time World of Echo
Family Fodder Der Leiermann Savoir Faire
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Ferdinand Richard Hombre de Lodo En Avant
Lora Logic Horrible Party Pedigree Charm
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Fred Frith Spring Any Day Now Gravity
Scavenger Quartet Savage Sawfish We Who Live on Land
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Homosexuals Total Drop Astral Glamour
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Vashti Bunyan Against the Sky Lookaftering
Mary Hopkin Goodbye Those Were the Days
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Shimmy Rivers and And Canal Shrill Nosebleed The Endless Discourse
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This Heat Twilight Furniture This Heat
Robert Fripp Disengage Exposure
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Slapp Happy Me and Paravati Acnalbasac Noom
Cluster & Eno Selange Cluster & Eno
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Ben Watt w/Robert Wyatt Walter & John Summer into Winter
Derome/Lussier Oiseaux Soyez Vigilants...Restez Vivants! Vol. 1
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Bridget St. John A Day a Way Songs for the Gentle Man
Gabor Szabo Love Is Blue Bacchanal
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Elvis Costello From Head to Toe Imperial Bedroom
Sandy Denny By the Time It Gets Dark Who Knows Where the Time Goes?
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Robert Wyatt & Friends Memories Theater Royal Drudy Lane 1974
Shirley Collins & Davery Graham Nottamun Town Folk Roots, New Routes
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Traffic Stranger to Himself John Barleycorn Must Die
Klimperei Petit Bout La Machine a Triboulot