George E. Lewis Voyager Duo 3 Voyager
Jon Hassell Hamburg The Surgeon of the Nightsky Restores Dead Things by the Power of Sound
Gordon Mumma Than Particle Live - Electronic Music
Your DJ speaks
Glaxo Babies Stay Awake Dreams interrupted
Killing Joke Tomorrow's World Killing Joke
Crawling with Tarts Section of a Large Inflorescence Mayten's Throw
Andy Partridge Madhattan Take Away/The Lure of Salvage
Roger Kellaway Morning Song Cello Quartet
Your DJ speaks
Arthur Russell Instrumentals Vol. 2, part 1 First Thought Best Thought
Tony Coe Mister Lucky Mainly Mancini
Jackie De Shannon When I Fall in Love For You
Your DJ speaks
Wizz Jones The Legendary Me The Legendary Me
Kensington Market Speaking of Dreams Avenue Road
Jorma Kaukonen Genesis Quah
Jowe Head Exhibition Unhinged
Musica Transonic [track 1] Swing Strong Mod
Your DJ speaks
Melmoth La Mort Multicolore La Devanture des Ivresses
El-G & Charlene Darling La Myopathie Au Grand Dam du Jour
Pascal Comelade Domisiladore L'Argot du Bruit
L'Empire des Sons Dernieres Nouvelles de Zelande Le Saucisson de Mer
Au Pairs Headache for Michelle Stepping Out of Line
Your DJ speaks
Anla Courtis Jarabe de Llanura Tape Works
Lens Cleaner Trio Guiso Superespeso CD + Lens Cleaner
Concussion Ensemble Bulldozer Stampede
Kemialliset Ystavat ]track 5] Varisevien Tanssi
Miles Davis Will o' the Wisp Sketches of Spain
Your DJ speaks
New York Art Quartet Rufus 3rd Mohawk
Joe Colley Burn Memory (Test for Headphone Rattle) Desperate Attempts at Beauty
Jason Forrest Song of the Second Moon V/A: Reactions to the Music of Dick Raaijmakers
Your DJ speaks
Monoton Dancing&Singing Monotonprodukt 07 20y++