So Percussion White Amid the Noise
Mamoru Fujieda Pattern IX Patterns of Plants
Slowblow Morgun Noi Albinoi
Murphy Orchestra Bad Day at Babbling Brook Smut
Taraf de Haidouks Sabarelu Dumbala Dumba
Your DJ speaks
Andrew Lamb Trio Aftermath Healing New Orleans Suite
Sun Ra Voice of Space Cosmic Tones for Mental Therapy
Northwoods Improvisers Komodo Dragon Fog and Fire
Third Eye Foundation The Out Sound from Way In Ghost
Your DJ speaks
Thunderclap Newman Accidents (single version) Hollywood Dream
Wings Junior's Farm 7'
Menstruation Sisters [track 2] Ma
Shimmy Rivers and And Canal Shrill Nosebleed The Endless Discourse
George Brassens Les Trompettes de la Renommee La Mauvaise Reputation
Your DJ speaks
Cecil Taylor Tales (8 Whisps) Unit Structures
Sylvie Courvoisier Gugging Ocre
Ivan Tcherepnin Grand Fire Music Ivan Tcherepnin
Steffen Basho-Junghans In a Secret Garden Late Summer Morning
Your DJ speaks
Piero Milesi Modi No. 1 Modi
Carl Stone Axis Kamiya Bear
Your DJ speaks
Sandy Denny Late November The North Star Grassman and the Ravens
Broadcast Message from Home Work and Non Work
Asmus Tietchens Saturday Orpheus Adventure in Sound + Nachtstucke
Tim Sparks Wie Bist Die Gewesen vor Prohibition Tanz
Your DJ speaks
Bill Oddie On Ilkla Moor Baht'at V/A: The Complete Dandelion Records Singles Collection
Pete Brown & Piblokto Aeroplane Head Woman Thousands on a Raft
The Attack Too Old About Time!