Onlly a Mother Warped #24 Feral Chickens
Your DJ speaks
Meadow House Life of Leylandii Tongue Under a Ton of Nine-Volters
Your DJ speaks
The Gist This is Love 7'
Your DJ speaks
Red Crayola Easy Street Red Gold
Your DJ speaks
Kevin Ayers The Clarietta Rag Joy of a Toy
Methodischa Tune Orchestras 7'
Your DJ speaks
Residents Excerpt, side two Third Reich 'n' Roll
Amoebic Ensemble Driving Music 7'
Byrne/Eno Regiment My Life in the Bush of Ghosts
Your DJ speaks
Peter Blegvad Alcohol 7'
Your DJ speaks
Bridget St. John Back to Stay Songs for the Gentle Man
General Strike The Fatal Glass Danger in Paradise
Your DJ speaks
Paul McCartney Dear Boy Ram
Rolling Stones High and Dry Aftermath
Your DJ speaks
Robbie Basho Cathedral et Fleur de Lis Venus in Cancer
Glaxo Babies Permission to Be Wrong 7'
Third Ear Band Overture Music from 'Macbeth'
Your DJ speaks
Serge Gainsbourg Couleur Cafe De Gainsbourg a Gainsbarre
Klimperei Un P'tit Bateau que Tourne en Rond La Machine a Triboulot
Your DJ speaks
Rafael Toral III Space
Taraf de Haidouks Sirba lui Cacurica Musique des Tziganes de Roumanie
Your DJ speaks
Gabor Szabo Love Is Blue Bacchanal
Your DJ speaks
Charalambides Hope Against Hope Vintage Burden
Your DJ speaks
The Momes Friday Spiralling
Your DJ speaks
Fred Frith Spring Any Day Now Gravity