Sun Ra India Super-Sonic Jazz
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Paul McCartney & Wings Magneto and Titanium Man Venus and Mars
Your DJ speaks
Alice Cooper Long Way to Go Love it to Death
Your DJ speaks
Theoretical Girls You Got Me V/A: New York Noise
Mandrill Road to Love V/A: Sounds of Prehistoric Brooklyn [Marathon premium]
Your DJ speaks
Brigitte Fontaine Comme à la Radio Comme à la Radio
Your DJ speaks
Alice Cooper School's Out School's Out
Your DJ speaks
The Slits Ping Pong Affair Cut
Homosexuals Soft South Africans (fast) The Homosexuals' CD
Your DJ speaks
Miles Davis Pharoah's Dance (excerpt) Bitches Brew
Your DJ speaks
King Crison The Great Deceiver The Great Deceiver Live 1973-1974
Hands on Earth [Title Unknown] V/A: Sounds of Prehistoric Brooklyn [Marathon premium]