Hylozoists Thehylozoists La Nouvelle Gauche
Chris Joss Drink Me Hot You've Been Spiked
Herbie Hancock Actual Proof Thrust
Your DJ speaks
The Alps Drop In Le Voyage
The Kinks Phenomenal Cat (mono) Village Green Preservation Society
Justine She Brings the Morning with Her Justine
K. Ballad Goldfish
Ludus Nue au Soleil V/A: Les Filles Du Crepuscule
Your DJ speaks
Daniel Levitan In the Night Kitchen Marimba Four Hands
Tom Johnson Euler's Harmonies Music for 88
Meade Lux Lewis Breezing at the Celeste The Blues Piano Artistry of Meade Lux Lewis
Your DJ speaks
Jono el Grande I'm Not a Star I'm Just Lost In Space Fevergreens
Henry Cow Extract from 'With the Yellow Half-Moon and Blue Star'/Teenbeat Reprise Legend
Antony Milton A Majoun Trail Sirens / And Wherer the Coloured Planes are Rafts
Robert Poss Other Stories Interlude Settings
Your DJ speaks
Hiiragi Fukuda Slim Harpo Syndrome My Turntable Is Slow
Bill Horvitz Longing No Boundary
Igloo Nightkitchen Igloo
Sourdeline La Belle Est au Jardin d'Amour Le Reine Blanche
Your DJ speaks
Kaffe Matthews In the Dust Eb + Flo
Scott Johnson Listen Rock/Paper/Scissors
Psapp Hi The Only Thing I Ever Wanted
Kraldjurstalten Breda Rafflade Gummidack Voodoo Boogie
Your DJ speaks
Oleg Kostrow Higgins Theme Imago
Rene Hell Razor. P+ Porcelain Opera
Ptose Here Come the Spotnics Early Recordings 1979-83
Ron Geesin U.F.O. Electrosound
Your DJ speaks
Faruq Z. Bey w/Northwoods Improvisers Emergency Blue Emerging Field
Sven-Ake Johansson Medium, Freies Tempo Six lIttle Pieces for Quintet
Master Hagiwara Rokudan-No-Shirabe V/A: Koto Music