Frank O'Toole's playlist
October 7, 2013 ![]()
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6:03am : mornin' y'all.![]()
6:06am : It's dark out, here in Jersey City. How's the weather up there in your hemisphere?![]()
6:11am : pleasingly warmish ! 13c, 55f![]()
6:12am : don't forget:
Help Build WFMU's Studio of Tomorrow!
Station Manager Ken Freedman talks about WFMU's Studio of Tomorrrow Campaign which is seeking to raise $200,000 in October 2013 to turn the ground floor of i...![]()
6:14am : sunny afternoon!![]()
6:15am : a nice day to bask in the success of my dj gig yesterday :)![]()
6:17am : Fred V.: THAT is THE weather report for my space. Bask away!
Mauri: good afternoon.![]()
6:20am : I consider myself duly basked.![]()
6:21am : update? still dark, yet humid, with clouds on the way. Great way to start our day...![]()
6:21am : cool song / favestar'd![]()
♥ 6:29am :
Hiya, Frank, and good morning to you and all. Sorry to have missed Harry but loving this John Zorn.![]()
6:31am : A semi-experimental gig: female vocalists ONLY: Courtney Love's Sunday Cuntday. As any punk rock feminist can tell you, it is time to reclaim the C-word - a tremendously evocative anglo saxon word.![]()
6:31am : morning Sem. Zorn is one of the kings of... what?![]()
6:34am : Tzadik!![]()
6:34am : five by five![]()
6:54am : Rodney on the ROQ can't compete with o'TOOOOOL on da woof'MOOOO.![]()
6:58am : A-ha i THOUGHT it was Tusk ! :)![]()
7:01am : light yonder breaks.![]()
7:02am : and Juliet ?![]()
♥ 7:03am :
G'morning Mr FXO, digging this set...![]()
7:08am : 'stroso, thanks.
FredVon: I like the, pardon, pun.![]()
♥ 7:10am :
- rain today
- highs this week no more than mid-60°sF...![]()
♥ 7:12am :
John Zorn - Para-Jazz ?? (...A word from one writer in the book to the Ken Burns Jazz thing)...![]()
♥ 7:13am :
Killin' set.![]()
♥ 7:13am :
What's going on here?![]()
♥ 7:14am :
Crime Jazz is a neat term (for something - Noir-ish stuff). Distinct from Jazz Crime (which might apply to the *other* Kenny G??)...![]()
7:14am : A giraffe with a hell of a party hat. That's what's goin' on.![]()
7:15am : RevRab: I thought you said "Ken Nordine". My bad. And thanks for the update.
Sem: What?![]()
♥ 7:16am :
Roger Daltrey on playing Woodstock just as the sun rises: Hell of a lightshow!
- Nordine is Word Jazz - is the word for that (?)...Word !![]()
♥ 7:17am :
Rhetorical remark, fxo. What's going on is just fine by me.
FVH: you should see the fancy one.![]()
7:18am : You guys are hittin' me where I live.![]()
♥ 7:19am :
Gyraffes are known for their individual senses of Style. & for a dance in which they Gyrate. Hence the name.![]()
♥ 7:22am :
Twas bryllyg, and ye slythy toves
Did gyre and gymble in ye wabe:![]()
♥ 7:24am :
...we called him tortoise because he taught us...![]()
♥ 7:26am :
...Hypothetical names for Country Songs :
'No Heart Til Payday' ...![]()
7:26am : I feel semi-literate.![]()
♥ 7:27am :
Speaking of paydays,RevRab, how are Hallowe'en costume sales down to the clothing store going?![]()
♥ 7:29am :
- very well - well stocked w/ good donations this year...for about three years in a row, I dressed as a wizard the entire month - photo of which on my profile...not so much this year...![]()
7:30am :
Oh Frank, I'm so glad you're here so that there's something about getting up early Monday morning that doesn't suck.![]()
♥ 7:32am :
Word Parq !
(...Monday is *my* 'Friday' - but that also means I've been going for five days.)![]()
♥ 7:32am :
Rev: that hat is very Vaughn Bodé; suits you.![]()
♥ 7:33am :
...too well.![]()
7:33am : thanks Parq, remember, this will be archived and put it up on the FMU website, in a few hours, 24/7.![]()
7:36am : AND berember:![]()
♥ 7:38am :
...& I visit your Profile Sem, & now want badly for some FrenchToast...![]()
♥ 7:40am :
But only made just so, I am guessing.![]()
♥ 7:40am :
...'Normally I would just have my driver pick up the loaves, but my driver has a very obsessive and disturbing relationship with bread'...![]()
7:46am : Hi, Frank! To answer your question up top, a cool Monday morning, finally dry after the torrents on Sat/Sun. No flooding here, but across the river in Louisville, some badly flooded areas. Think you guys will be getting our rain soon.![]()
♥ 7:48am :
Neck very sore now from nodding along to the beats in this set. Is there an physiotherapist in the house who is willing to work for obsessively excellent pancakes?![]()
7:50am : thanks kat, a future weather report, eh?![]()
7:52am : Usually we pass our weather onto Jersey -- or D.C. Funny thing is Friday morning Philo called me out to our backyard as he was going to work, and there was an incredible 1/2 rainbow in the western sky. He said he saw the second half by the time he was at his office, and actually it was a double rainbow. :)![]()
♥ 7:59am :
The weather here is calm winds and some fog drifting from the Hudson River. Very serene. Wet from the weekend rain. Conditions where you feel like you could write a haiku about it.![]()
8:01am : @KfHP: Sounds like Irving and Legend of Sleepy Hollow, too. Or Trixie Belden.![]()
8:01am : PLEASE, save us. Stop this damn congressional bullshit. Sorry, I don't wanna belabor this ..![]()
8:06am : @fxo: Be sure to keep well hydrated, because the Tea Bag (er, Party) is sucking us all dry. Glad our FLOTUS gave US that advice in advance.![]()
♥ 8:13am :
You're not the one belaboring Frank - they're the ones.![]()
8:25am : Happy Monday indeed, heya FxO & pals![]()
♥ 8:27am :
Hello fxo & co.
Beware of the jubjub bird.![]()
♥ 8:28am :
th frumious bandersnatch![]()
♥ 8:29am :
Yes sir as mentioned at 07:228:31am : and the vorpal blade went SNIKER SNATCH...![]()
♥ 8:31am :
...gyraffes be gyrating...![]()
8:33am : X Key!: from Frumious, 'ight?
WKR-CP & Brian in UK: thanks for checkin' in.
3d: what planet are we on?![]()
♥ 8:33am :
...w/ occasional gallumph...![]()
♥ 8:33am :
he left it dead, & with its head
he went gallumphing back![]()
♥ 8:34am :
- yes.![]()
♥ 8:35am :
All Lewis Carroll, all the time, only on the fxo show.![]()
8:37am : Xenia Rubinos, my fave rave, IMHO.![]()
♥ 8:37am :
(More Than A Few) Wonderland Moments - thru the Looking Glass w/ Frank O'Toole & Ye Commenters...![]()
♥ 8:43am :
Twas bollocks - & the slimy House
didst belabor & obstruct
all mucky were the reasons why
we're all sh*t out of luck![]()
8:43am : Wanda's "Honey Bop" synched perfectly with my workout. Kiitos, fxo! And before that, the Wax Tailor was great for harvesting herbs from the garden.![]()
8:45am : she bopped?![]()
♥ 8:45am :
beware effects on Economy
the DaoJones - the strange Nasdaq!
we used to have Government
that served the Nation
it may never come back...![]()
8:45am : She did indeed! :)8:47am : Tnx Frank.![]()
♥ 8:47am :
...the Mad Tea Party
- the Lying Fox !
creatures nonsensical & mean
...seems so long since things were normal
- so long it's all we've seen...![]()
♥ 8:48am : Cool, Chris Burke! Haven't seen him in over during my recent hermit stage. (no longer hermitting)![]()
8:49am : backatcha maja.
I watched another episode of "Homeland". It showed how corrupt the bankers are, connected with our frenemies.![]()
8:51am : Since money (greed) is truly the root of all evil, only makes sense.![]()
♥ 8:51am :
A fine show, (love the last mash-up) cheering up an increasingly overcast Monday morning as the wet weather arrives. Catch you, and all, next week, Frank.![]()
♥ 8:51am :
the bankers all were quite corrupt
- w/ garden Hedges never seen
- we don't know where it's going
- I think I know where they've been...![]()
8:52am : Northguinea: make sure to say hello to Mr. Burke, if you can.![]()
8:52am : HedgeHOGs, ayep. Thanks, Frank, and all for a good start to a Moon Day!![]()
8:54am : wow, great responses. Gettin' ready to leave, but will be back next week, same website, Have a pleasant wee.
♥ 8:54am :
@fxo would it not be easier just to take the $200,000 out of a bank vault right now?![]()
♥ 8:57am : Still waiting for my yerba mate to kick in....., thanks Frank!
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