Frank O'Toole's playlist
October 13, 2014 ![]()
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6:05am : FRANKIE BABY! How ya doin?
Let's ROCK!![]()
6:08am : to rock & not to roll? Guten TZAG, friends, especially you, P-90, to all ships at sea.6:13am : Pharoah Sanders, a great way to usher in Columbus Day 2014! The dude was a Paisano at heart, just listen to him play.![]()
♥ 6:13am :
Good morning, fxo, P-90. Lovely dayt in the neighbourhood, Pharoah Sanders on the radio and cardigan buttoned up tight against the overnight frost. Fog rising into the clear pre-sunrise sky over the still, high tide estuary. Lyrical, really.![]()
6:15am : Lovely, yet dark & brisk. Hey, Sem...![]()
6:25am : Hi, Frank! Weeeeee're back! Woke to a warm and stormy morning here. How's bayou?![]()
6:29am : so far, pretty cool. Morning kat330.![]()
6:31am : And mornin' to Sem and P-90, aussi!![]()
6:34am : I'd use "awesome"...6:34am : Good morning all! I like the Rolling Stones better when someone is playing marimba.![]()
6:35am : I'm ticklish even when fully clothed.6:35am : Almost anything's better with marimba.![]()
6:35am : Morning Frank & Usual Suspects!![]()
6:36am : testing, testing, is this on?6:37am : Hyvää huomenta, Dude.![]()
6:37am : Philo, I see that you're up. Guten...![]()
6:39am : He's not eating guten-free either.![]()
♥ 6:39am :
Hiya, kat and Philo. Milloin kaksi isännöi AMA istunto, Ala Gaylord Fields? ;-P![]()
6:40am : Kiitos -- lousy morning today since I got to get back to work after a week off. Groaning and moaning.![]()
6:42am : I'll have to leave the hosting duties to kat in less than an hour, Sem, but that's still 90 fine minutes of Frankly fine sounds!![]()
6:44am : @Sem: Yeah, not sure I know all that much more about Mr. Fields than before, but it was a fun concept.![]()
6:47am : your talkin' Sidney Fields? Just kiddin'...![]()
6:47am : Totie.![]()
6:49am : TMBG? Not familiar with this, but it's cool aussi.6:50am : It's Canadian Thanksgiving, so you guys can wish Sem Chumbo a happy holiday. If you're interested, he's got fascinating tales of this uniquely Canadian tradition. I'ts the first official day of moose season, families celebrate by cleaning the furnaces together, then Santa Chumbo magically appears in a puff of lager and stuffs all the good little boys' and girls' stockings with "TimBits", which are like "doughnut holes" and come in many flavors and styles.
Sem can also tell you aboot the fascinating place of honor that Esther Williams holds in his culture, and why "muckalucks" are so important.
And remember, you can hit the "Pledge" button at the top of fxo's page and honor Our Northern Neighbor Sem by making a wee pledge in his honor.![]()
6:50am : OK, now it sounds like TMBG.![]()
♥ 6:50am :
@kat: he thinks fast, and I agree, he did not give away very much. So I guess we must surmise he is a determinedly private person, despite his Sunday radio hobby.![]()
6:51am : @P-90: Hadn't realized you are Sem's publicist! [Philo already hit the button, though doesn't appear anything changed.]
Happy Thanksgiving / Harvest, Sem!![]()
6:54am : @Sem: I actually quite prefer that in a DJ -- esp. at mic breaks --over those who prate on and on with TMI and who are seemingly in love with their own voices.![]()
6:54am : It's too early to come up with a clever comment in response, P-90!! So a tip o' the hat, and indeed trust you'll have a fine holiday Sem.![]()
6:58am : We saw Chris Whitley live over at a Louisville club. Sad loss.![]()
6:59am : not too early for clever chatter.7:00am : My last question about Gaylord's favorite Bourbon went unanswered, it was right at the end so that will have to wait until next year. We also still don't know his blood type, favorite supporting character from Gone with the Wind, or inseam measurement, but he does prefer Italo Calvino to Salman Rushdie, Pete Best to Stu Sutcliffe, and Liza to Lorna, which all serves to confirm what we already knew about what a discerning, refined gentleman he is.![]()
7:03am : Philo himself doesn't know his blood type. I know, hard to grasp that one.![]()
♥ 7:05am :
Thanks, all. I can't add to P-90's Canadian Thanksgiving precis, except to say that some of that was fabrication to which I was not a party. The Esther Williams part was true, however, and she did inspire Leonard Cohen to write "I'm Your Man", which makes every true Canuckian heart swell with pride.![]()
♥ 7:07am :
And do not think we here north of the forty fifth do not appreciate FZ and the Mothers. Cause we do, they were just ugly enough, en masse, to look like a pick-up street hockey team in Sault St. Marie. Thanks, Frank O'T, for that and the show so far.![]()
7:08am : Are you serious about the Cohen inspiration? Huh. Love that sexy song. I recall a very fine ice skating routine to "I'm Your Man" by Elvis, um ? Stojko.![]()
7:08am : Columbus Day? Wrong-way Peach-fuzz!![]()
7:09am : Wonderful set, this one.![]()
7:10am : Could be a mini-set for the ladies that includes "I'm Your Man," "I Can Help" and "Handy Man."![]()
7:14am : I only knew "I Can Help" from Tav Falco before I met Kat, then heard her Billy Swan vinyl for the original. Wonderful tune.![]()
7:14am : Harry Shearer prefers "Here it is!"![]()
♥ 7:14am :
good morning! what are your favorite flours?![]()
♥ 7:14am :
...& in honor of the Native Peoples loss of the hemisphere, we give you a day on which everything is closed anyway...hope you get the point...being one of the few in Post-Corporate Apocalypse Society not employed in the Government Ministries, I Werk today...there is however this singular Cultural freeform island supplied by Montag & a few other renegade Firemen (including occasionally SirMacca)...![]()
7:15am : Rye![]()
♥ 7:15am :
...& I prefer Harry Shearer...![]()
♥ 7:18am :
7:20am : he sounds like Mr. Burns...
goob mornin', X Key, and, of course, to you, RevRab.![]()
7:21am : Never held a job that gave me Columbus Day off. Philo's doesn't close for President's nor Martin Luther King Days either. No sick or personal days. Yeah, it's always fun explaining that to a visitor (Philo's brother) who gets 7-8 weeks annual vacation and 2 days/mo. sick leave.![]()
♥ 7:21am :
Joey Ramone: This gig sucks !
Burns: Have the Rolling Stones killed !
Smither: ...but they're not
Burns: Do as I say !![]()
♥ 7:23am :
7:23am : somehow, it also sounds like Smithers. Wonder why?7:28am : @kat: I don't think I've ever known anyone who got Columbus day off.![]()
♥ 7:28am :
The patented O'Toole spin-a-rama set. Christ on a crutch, killin' it!![]()
7:30am : @P-90: Guess you know no bankers or schoolteachers?![]()
7:31am : Civil Servants, government employees, Postal types, all have the celebratory feeling, at least too, today.![]()
7:32am : When I lived in Boston, it seemed like everyone had Columbus Day off. Not such a big deal as you go west. What region are you in, P-90?![]()
7:34am : @fxo: And that's why the comments boards will be slim pickin's all day. You folks do realize the majority of those active on FMU lists during the U.S. workday -- all time zones -- are civil servants of one stripe or another and while on the job.![]()
7:35am : well put, kat.![]()
♥ 7:40am :
wowie zowie rye & spelt corzetti will be awesome to find out more about the workings of!! the synergy of rye & spelt!!
7:41am : @ ! I X Key !: You baking bread today?7:42am : I'm in New york, where it seems like it's always been just bankers and civil servants. But In LA it seemed that way too, I think. Also: remember when you say "schoolteachers", that's public schools only. No private school I ever attended or know about has the day off, from first grade to university.![]()
7:43am : Thanks for the wonderful sounds today, Frank, and the usual fine comments and commenters. I'm off to work. Hope you have a spectacular day, owl.![]()
♥ 7:44am :
I'm getting ready to make more corzetti & ravioli & orecchiette7:44am : !IX is making "i cozetti di grana", flat pasta disks.![]()
7:44am : @P-90: Yes, well, I'm a product of public schools K-12. I may well be wrong, but I seem to remember even Brown and Harvard not having classes on Columbus Day. [shrug]![]()
7:46am : Mmmm, sounds tasty, and I suppose pasta goes well with this holiday.![]()
♥ 7:48am :
Festivus has nothing on Thanksgiving here. Off now to the last cross country bowling tourney before the snow flies....tomorrow. Thanks again, Frank and see you, and all, next time. I'm out.![]()
7:49am : Bye, Sem! Have a great rest of the festive!![]()
♥ 7:55am :
how nice of you to be interested in rye & spelt!![]()
7:56am : I've spelt it w-r-y sometimes.![]()
7:57am : like, "it's awry"?![]()
♥ 7:57am :
pasta day is a regular day that happens more often than days in honor of genocidal maniacs usually7:58am : I'm sitting in Butler Library at Columbia right now, it's always biz as usual on Columbus Day, and I think it is at Harvard, one of our guys is giving a lecture today up at their department. I'm not complaining, just making an observation. In big cities at least, things don't close down like they do for the "main" 3-day weekends. When I was in grade school, it was one of a very few days a year that public school kids got off that we didn't; the teachers used to remind us that we finished earlier in the spring, and had slightly fewer total days than they.![]()
♥ 7:59am :
ahahah wry![]()
8:00am : @fxo: The music you're furnishing us this Monday is more than awry.8:00am : Have a good one, @Sem! Enjoy the Shmenge Dance and the roast goose tonight!![]()
8:05am : Comments list summation thus far: Ya feelin' awry? I'm not feelin' too gluten guten myself.![]()
8:08am : no, I sometimes feel a bit iggorant, from time to time. The music soothes...
The responses get me psyched.![]()
8:09am : This beat gets me psyched.![]()
8:16am : "beat crazy"?![]()
8:16am : I imagine the group "Ices" has difficulty getting booked these days. Some of their harmonies reminded me of Tom Tom Club.
Is it down to you and me, Frank? :)![]()
♥ 8:17am :
hi Frank
I'm working to make a wooden workbench
The music is perfectly![]()
♥ 8:18am :
Hello Boss & Thanksgiving folks above the border.![]()
♥ 8:18am :
...must do the Go to Werk is not graceful, figured I'd spare you...![]()
8:19am : not to forget Jeroen. on the bench, & UK Brian. A spare from bowling?![]()
8:20am : @RR: Going off to work is a better reason to go off the board than being at work's a reason to be on the board. ;)![]()
♥ 8:21am :
Oh! : to be chained to a desk I could FMU all day. This is my dream.![]()
8:23am : to quote Lenny Bruce, "to FMU, is a verb".8:23am : @Rev: It's a double-edged sword. Believe it.![]()
8:24am : FMU makes it easy to see why the U.S. "works" so many more hours than much of the developed world and yet is very low in productivity. But hey, the civil "servants" foot much of the bill here, as well they should since we're paying some tiny percentage of that anyway in our tax dollars.![]()
♥ 8:25am :
@P-90: Aren't they all, sportsfans.8:26am : i like the idea of "FMU-ing" a desk. Like: "nice desk, do you FMU it?"![]()
♥ 8:26am :
TO PLEDGE IS DEVINE8:26am : @Rev: you got it8:27am : Hello fxo
"workers of the world unite! you have nothing to lose, but your chains![]()
8:29am : What's the usual delay in getting a ♥ after pledging? I noticed Philo never got his, but I don't believe Frank's bar moved afterwards either. Weird.![]()
8:30am : hello to you, MK. (an ear-worm, with "The Internationale").![]()
8:30am : Guess woof-mu is taking Columbus Day off, too.8:31am : ♥u♥![]()
8:34am : kat 'n kitty; take a paws for the cause.![]()
8:35am : @fxo: Now that you have plenty more company, I'll sign off to do my workout routine. T-h-a-n-k y-o-u, and I hope I've spelt that awry!
Later all.![]()
8:36am : spelt, infinity!8:37am : Merry Columbus Day, Kat330!8:38am : ...and Greetings @marmalade kitty. One feline punches in as the other one punches out. Man they're well-organized.8:51am : What did Columbus bring other than disease slavery and exploitation? Charming fellow!8:54am : ......uuuuuuuum,the True Word of God? Baked Ziti maybe?![]()
8:55am : the last two pieces are from The Rationals, circa '68 to '69. One of my very fave Lps of all time. Jus' sayin'. Thanks y'all for contacting me on the comments board. 2 Days previous, I did a fill-in for Bob. Pheww! Total bliss!
Have a great week, I'll be back, next webcast, as per
Stay healthy, the archive of this will be available in a few hours.
Peace in our valley..8:58am : Thanks for another sparkling Monday AM!8:58am : in a while crocodile...a9:11am : kat330, get in touch with Scott, about the delay with Philo and/or your pledging.
We're all in the same karas.9:14am : That should be "Karass".![]()
10:44am : Ooh, a Vonnegut reference, yes! (Just rockin' in the kat's kradle here in Hoosierland. ;) So you did not see Philo's pledge yourself? He got an email from McGasko saying it was received. Hmm. Very interest-ink.8:08pm : Comment by Irene, stplen by me. She said it better.
Let me make a quick reminder that WFMU is having a silent fundraiser throughout October to raise some much needed funds. We're trying to keep the bill paid and also to buy equipment for our great new performance space, Monty Hall. Go to our homepage to make a pledge, see our great new t-shirts, and nominate your pet in our mascot contest.
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