Favoriting Vortex of Chaos with Bill Zebub: Playlist from April 15, 2021 Favoriting

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"If we do not acknowledge our dark aspects, they will manifest in harmful ways. Listen to these blackest of songs and purge yourself." (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting April 15, 2021: KING DIAMOND and MERCYFUL FATE special radio show

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Artist Track Album Label Approx. start time
Mercyful Fate  A Corpse Without a Soul   Favoriting The Beginning  Roadrunner  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  Into the Coven   Favoriting live  n/a  0:09:02 (Pop-up)
King Diamond  The Mansion   Favoriting Rough Mix    0:14:20 (Pop-up)
King Diamond  The Possesion   Favoriting Rough Mix    0:20:10 (Pop-up)
King Diamond  A Family Ghost   Favoriting Rough Mix  Rough Mix  0:24:52 (Pop-up)
Mickey Dee Drum Solo        0:30:27 (Pop-up)
King Diamond  Come to the Sabbath   Favoriting Live  n/a  0:33:57 (Pop-up)
King Diamond  Evil   Favoriting Live  n/a  0:41:33 (Pop-up)
King Diamond  Dressed in White   Favoriting Live  n/a  0:47:35 (Pop-up)
King Diamond  The Jonah   Favoriting Live  n/a  0:56:44 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  Black Funeral   Favoriting Live  n/a  1:01:11 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  The Witch   Favoriting Live  n/a  1:08:14 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  Black Funeral   Favoriting Demo  n/a  1:16:38 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  The Ripper   Favoriting Tribute to Judas Priest  Century Media  1:20:01 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  Curse of the Pharaohs   Favoriting Live  n/a  1:24:03 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  Return of the Vampire   Favoriting live  n/a  1:28:43 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  Devil Eyes   Favoriting Live  n/a  1:35:50 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  Nightmare   Favoriting Live  n/a  1:43:09 (Pop-up)
Merycful Fate  Excerpts/out-takes   Favoriting   n/a  1:50:47 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  Shadow Nights   Favoriting Live  n/a  2:00:15 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  Into the Coven   Favoriting Live  n/a  2:08:29 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  Hard Rocker   Favoriting demo  n/a  2:17:25 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  Some Day   Favoriting Demo  n/a  2:23:06 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  Satan's Fall   Favoriting Live  n/a  2:32:23 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  Melissa   Favoriting Vocal Reference Mix  /n/a  2:45:17 (Pop-up)
Mercyful Fate  Love Criminals   Favoriting Demo  n/a  2:53:44 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 3:02am

Avatar 3:03am
Bill Zebub:

Greetings, JSA
Edwin Oslan:

Hi! Been jamming Fate and Diamond quite a bit lately. Curious to see what you pick.

Avatar 3:03am
Bill Zebub:

Edwin, there will be some music tonight that I am sure will be new to you.
Avatar 3:04am
Bill Zebub:

Greetings, Nikia

morning, BZ and all others at this crossroad of insomniac and wakefest
Avatar 3:06am
Bill Zebub:

Greetings, Annete
Edwin Oslan:

Edwin Oslan:

I became a Mercyful Fate and King Diamond fan by more traditional means. My brother has In the Shadows on CD, and I popped it in, and I just thought it rocked. Then my friend bought Don't Break the Oath, and yeah, it kicked my ass! After that, I was off to the races on my MF and KD trip.
Avatar 3:10am
Bill Zebub:

It always strikes me as odd that people became fans from the later albums.
Edwin Oslan:

I dunno, man. I LOVE In the Shadows; right from the opener "Egypt." Me and my brother would giggle at the line, "the underworld is yours", because it sounds like "the underworld is your horse." Hey, you played "Is That You, Melissa?" from that album. It's a great pop-metal jam on an otherwise killer spooky riff-a-thon.

King Diamond kicks all kinna' ass!

All Hail King Diamond!!
Avatar 3:24am
Bill Zebub:

Greetings, Choggie
Edwin Oslan:

Hell yezzz!

Hola, He-Goat.
Comprendes Mendez!!

I hope to hear Return of the Vampire, which was the song that made me a fan. I'd heard a few others before, but that one did it for me. Also, there is a picture of Michael Jackson for the current track playing on the live stream website, which has me giggling.
Avatar 3:26am
Ole 'Rick:

Hey Bill

This music inspires me to watch the film, The Devil Rides Out with Christopher Lee once again... Hammer films are the best
Avatar 3:26am
Bill Zebub:

Sheelley, you shall hear a live version with the original members
Avatar 3:27am
Bill Zebub:

Greetings Ole Rick
Edwin Oslan:

Choggie, have you seen To the Devil a Daughter?
Avatar 3:28am
Bill Zebub:

(I just bought that Bluray - Christopher Lee - no spoilers please)

And everyone needs to watch Captain Kronos Vampire Killer before they go to bed

Yes to the devil a daughter an awesome flick, and the one with the twins with Peter Cushing as the vampire teenager killer another great one...Twin of Evil
Avatar 3:29am

Avatar 3:29am
Bill Zebub:

Greetings Bconrad
Edwin Oslan:

Twins of Evil, Countess Dracula, Vampire Circus, all great!

Okay somebody needs to play some venom.
Countuuuuuuussssss Baaa-thoreeeeeaaajhh!"
Avatar 3:32am

Good to see Christopher Lee and all the vampire love!
Edwin Oslan:

It still blows my mind that Dracula Has Risen from the Grave received a G rating.

Christopher Lee singing songs of the old West ....he was truly the Maverick, the renaissance man for all time
Avatar 3:33am

A good drum solo never gets old!
Edwin Oslan:

Mikkey Dee rules.

..... Sounds like it was recorded with a mini cassette player

I got to make King back in 96... Under merciful Fate tour... He gave me one of his pentagram and upside down cross earrings... Unfortunately I was so proud of it I wore it to Carowinds and lost it on a roller coaster...
Avatar 3:34am
Bill Zebub:

Mickey is playing on this Fate song

Sorry I forgot to put my name on the roller coaster comment

Click tracks are fer puzzzies!
Avatar 3:35am
Bill Zebub:

Greetings, Marty

Thanks bill....this show rocks

If somebody says they need me to play with a clck track, all I can do is to tell them in a Woody woodpecker laugh to f*** themselves
Avatar 3:37am

This is some great quality for live!
Avatar 3:38am
Bill Zebub:

bconrad - the live quality will vastly improve as this show continues
Avatar 3:41am
Bill Zebub:

This is Mickey on drums again (playing the Fate song live)
Edwin Oslan:

Yeah, you can definitely hear his aggressive style which he took with him to Motorhead.

I was just thinking these drums are beating life into me. I didn't think I would be able to stay awake for the show tonight, yet I am wide awake now.
Avatar 3:43am
Bill Zebub:

For those tuning in now. King Diamond will be speaking in the next two hours. Mickey has the first hour.
Avatar 3:44am
Bill Zebub:

Shelley, I hope you last for RETURN OF THE VAMPIRE - it is a great performance and a soundboard recording.

I'll be here. My eyes are usually closed when I listen, but participating in the comments along with the music is keeping sleepiness at bay.
Avatar 3:50am
Bill Zebub:

I shall give you a taste of what you will soon hear, Shelley, next.
Avatar 3:57am
Bill Zebub:

Doh! Next song! And then you shall hear King Diamond speak.
Edwin Oslan:

Was "The Witch" ever officially released?
Avatar 4:12am
Bill Zebub:

No Edwin. Some riffs were put into other songs, like on the mini-LP.
Avatar 4:16am
Bill Zebub:

Edwin, the next song is for you!
Avatar 4:17am
Bill Zebub:

(A riff in THE WITCH was put into DOOMED BY THE LIVING DEAD)

I really liked The Witch. I loved the riff at the end. I hope they used that somewhere. I am glad we have it here, stored in archives to revisit. Black Funeral is also quite good, both versions...
Avatar 4:22am
Bill Zebub:

Shelley, I made this show so that there will be something for the true fans after I am gone, and after King is gone.
Avatar 4:24am
Bill Zebub:

Shelley, the next song is for you.

I was hesitant about an all Mercyful Fate/King Diamond show because I love the doom we usually hear, but this is better than I was expecting. That being said, I am not a true fan. But if I am not, you're sure as hell going to make me one.
Avatar 4:29am
Bill Zebub:

We shall break our hearts with doom next week

I always look forward to it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:32am
Fox Pox:

I knew so little about Mercyful Fate despite the fact that I'm actually listening from Copenhagen. Thanks for the education.
Avatar 4:33am
Bill Zebub:

Fox Pox, welcome. I am trying to make this show one that shall outlive me.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 4:39am
Fox Pox:

I have sadly fallen into the trap of thinking of Copenhagen as a relative metal backwater, although I'm excited about some new bands here.
Avatar 4:41am
Bill Zebub:

I have been curious about Denmarks, but Swedes warn me never to go there, ha ha.
Avatar 4:43am
Bill Zebub:

Prepare yourself. Some ultra rare music is next.

This has been very entertaining and educational. I am enjoying his answers to your questions and his jokes. Thank you for these moments between the songs.
Avatar 5:40am
Bill Zebub:

It is my duty to you and others, Shelley.
Avatar 5:47am
Bill Zebub:

Melissa has entered another life
Avatar 5:49am
Bill Zebub:

The priest must die in the name of Hell

I think Melissa is still with us.
Avatar 5:57am
Bill Zebub:

More than you know, Shelley.
Avatar 5:59am
Bill Zebub:

Thank you for tuning in, especially those who will hear this as an archive. Remember what I have done for you. And I swear that i shall beg King to provide some of this music. If not, you have it here.

i have tuned in

I turned on WFMU thinking I was going to get the pidge and instead got early Fate! It was like I was back in the Bay Area in 83 listening to Rampage Radio on KUSF!
Sabasius Mazziqim:

Cheers Bill Zebub thanks a ton for this. Lots of rare goodies on here, nice to hear another "The Witch" that I wasn't aware of. There is one I uploaded on Youtube that was basically a really early version of "Melissa". I can't remember the bootleg I got it from but I think it was an early '82 Copenhagen show you would probably know the one.

Wonderful MF & KD show sir.
Bill dbub:

Thanks, Jacob.
Jacob c kennimer:

Hail SATAN many thanks sir.
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