Favoriting Music Only I Care About with Miss Mei: Playlist from May 16, 2023 Favoriting

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Music Only I Care About is the place to go for anything weird, forgotten and fun: Demos, Private Press, Outsider oddities and more! A little bit of odd, and a little bit of even odder, brought to you by a bespectacled bird with a lisp and a love for archiving.

Tuesday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Sheena's Jungle Room
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Favoriting May 16, 2023: AY LOVE ... DA JUL ... WUORLD

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Artist Track Album Year Format Comments Images Approx. start time
Tongo Y Su Grupo Imaginación  Te Digo La Verdad   Favoriting Tongo el Grande  1983     
Miss Mei  Your DJ Speaks...   Favoriting           0:02:21 (Pop-up)
Scatman John  Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word (Unreleased Extended Version)   Favoriting Take Your Time Demos  1999     
0:02:39 (Pop-up)
Fifth Harmony  Try Everything (Demo For Shakira)   Favoriting Unreleased  2013     
0:08:18 (Pop-up)
Konrad  Music Scientist   Favoriting Evil  1982  Vinyl   
0:12:23 (Pop-up)
The Mobile Homes  Feeling Better (12" Remix)   Favoriting Feeling Better  1989     
0:14:53 (Pop-up)
Jordy  Dur Dur D'être Bébé! (It's Tough To be a Baby)   Favoriting Pochette Surprise  1992     
0:21:50 (Pop-up)
Cheryl Merkowski  Walls Fall Out   Favoriting   2014     
0:25:16 (Pop-up)
The Residents  Cantaten To Der Dyin Prunen   Favoriting Baby Sex  1971     
0:28:15 (Pop-up)
Doubleswee  Mr. Wanking Dream   Favoriting YouTube video  2015     
0:33:43 (Pop-up)
Doubleswee  ze jamaican swee real jamaica   Favoriting YouTube video  2013     
0:35:17 (Pop-up)
The Residents  Mad Sawmill Of Copenhagen, Germany   Favoriting The Warner Brothers Album (Remaster)  1971     
0:36:39 (Pop-up)
Miss Mei  Give It To Someone Else   Favoriting Residents Covers  2012    Vocals re-recorded in 2020    0:41:27 (Pop-up)
Miss Mei  The Bunny Boy   Favoriting Residents Covers  2012    Vocals re-recorded in 2020    0:42:15 (Pop-up)
The Resients  Ohm Is Where the Art Is   Favoriting WB RMX  2004     
0:44:13 (Pop-up)
Clare Louise Miller  Coming Out As A Lesbian   Favoriting GATE CUSTARD  2019     
0:51:23 (Pop-up)
Arthur Thompson  I Had No Reason   Favoriting 3 Song Demo CDR  1994     
0:53:55 (Pop-up)
Ashley Morris  Jerry's Bar & Grill   Favoriting Ashley Morris  1992     
0:57:06 (Pop-up)
Michael G. Bryant  Thinking Of You   Favoriting Demo  1991     
1:04:37 (Pop-up)
Barra  Gold Is For Splendour   Favoriting Hit Factory Demo  199X     
1:07:35 (Pop-up)
Suicidal Rap Orgy  Maniac Psycho   Favoriting Youtube upload  2017     
1:10:38 (Pop-up)
Human Bong  Nothings Wrong   Favoriting Hickies & Goodbyes  2014     
1:14:48 (Pop-up)
Daniel Johnston  Without Love   Favoriting Beattie/Johnston Recordings (Unreleased)  199X     
1:18:49 (Pop-up)
TheReceptionist  If I Were Abraham Lincoln   Favoriting   2007        1:23:25 (Pop-up)
Peyton "The Fury" Keith  Under Your Bed Theme   Favoriting Youtube upload  2006     
1:27:18 (Pop-up)
Payaso Carnavalito  Fiesta De Cumpleaños   Favoriting 10 Exitos  198X     
1:27:33 (Pop-up)
Duglin y Tito  Yo Soy Tito   Favoriting Tus Amigos  198X     
1:30:26 (Pop-up)
Pipo  La Mascotita   Favoriting Que Salga  2013     
1:32:46 (Pop-up)
Cepillín  El Bosque De La China   Favoriting Gracias  2016     
1:35:05 (Pop-up)
Payaso Tommy  Los Consejos De Papa   Favoriting Unknown  198X     
1:37:23 (Pop-up)
Leito Que Paique  Chiste, Chiste   Favoriting La Pachange De Leito  2020     
1:40:31 (Pop-up)
Payaso Paquin  Yo Conoci   Favoriting Unknown  19XX     
1:43:50 (Pop-up)
Pimpollin  La Semilla De Amor   Favoriting Fui Lobo Feroz  19XX     
1:47:13 (Pop-up)
Cepillín Por Siempre  Payasito De La Tele   Favoriting Payasito De La Tele  2023     
1:51:24 (Pop-up)
Bozo El Payaso  La Fiesta   Favoriting Siempre Con Nosotros  19XX     
1:54:24 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 1:01pm
Mr Fab:

Miss Mei! What a Tongo-tastic opening
Avatar 1:03pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word (Unreleased Ex...
This recording was done while the artist was suffering from lung cancer. This unreleased, extended mix would be replaced by a shorter mix with re-recorded vocals. I edited this mix because the vocals were a bit low.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:03pm

Hi, Had to restart my player so missed your opening announcement. Hope all is well.
Avatar 1:03pm
Miss Mei:

↳ WR @1:03
Aside from health issues and yet another person in my life passing away, I'm doing pretty ok!
Avatar 1:05pm
Bob Barth:

Hang in there Miss Mei!
Avatar 1:05pm
Miss Mei:

Hanging in & hanging out!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07pm
Krys O.:

Avatar 1:10pm
Miss Mei:

↳ toshixoxo @1:07
Hello <333333333 so glad you're here!
Avatar 1:17pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Music Scientist" by "Konrad"
not at all the metal you'd expect from that cover. Must have been some confused headbangers buying that album.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:20pm
Jan Turkenburg:

Have been listening from the beginning. After an afternoon of sorting out an orizing old books. Mr Fab you were right: it's the best job in the world!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm
Jan Turkenburg:

and prizing
Avatar 1:21pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Dur Dur D'être Bébé! (It's Tough To be a Baby)" b...
Ay, it's so tough to be a baby......
Avatar 1:22pm
Bob Barth:

↳ Song: "Dur Dur D'être Bébé! (It's Tough To be a Baby)" b...
I played this a ton when I was DJ'ing in high school! I'd insert it between Onyx and Ace of Bass!
Avatar 1:23pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Bob Barth @1:22
It's so tough to be a DJ
Avatar 1:24pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Walls Fall Out" by "Cheryl Merkowski"
This one is pretty raunchy. Brace yourselves, HONAYE.
Avatar 1:25pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Walls Fall Out" by "Cheryl Merkowski"
Shout-out to Madge Weinstein of Yeast Radio!
Avatar 1:28pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Jan Turkenburg @1:20
If going thru old books and records was an actual job I wouldn't need any hobbies.

Tho I would probably have that dusty, musty smell on me all day. (Which I probably do anyway, haha)
Avatar 1:31pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Bob Barth @1:22
Hey look, Sheena's newest DJ is here!

Don't miss his debut this Thu night:
Avatar 1:33pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @1:28
I wish I could make a job out of archiving audio myself. But we can't all have the good life i suppose
Avatar 1:33pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Mr. Wanking Dream" by "Doubleswee"
The Wanking Dream is here to please!
Avatar 1:41pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "The Bunny Boy" by "Miss Mei"
One of the few recordings that included my theremin that I sold since I sucked at it.
Avatar 1:48pm
Bob Barth:

↳ Mr Fab @1:31
Aww ... yer makin me blush!
Avatar 1:49pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Miss Mei @1:41
Theremins are fun! I have one. I'm ok at it. Mastering them is so difficult, I'm happy to just get kinda near the melody.
Avatar 1:50pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Coming Out As A Lesbian" by "Clare Louise Miller"
I found this a couple days ago, adore it.
Avatar 1:54pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Miss Mei @1:50
that was pretty amazing. Where did you find it?
Avatar 1:56pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @1:54
I found a related recording on Soulseek, it led me to a British art program for people with developmental disabilities. Clare wrote 2 songs. The other is called Bugger Off Bullies.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:07pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ Miss Mei @1:56
There is a streaming radio show from Portland OR called Full Life Radio that's an effort from a very cool school of the same name that's for and by DA folx.
I think it's on the Freeform Portland radio station. Both terrestrial (in the PDX area) and online.
Avatar 2:08pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Song: "Jerry's Bar & Grill" by "Ashley Morris"
That was actually quite decent.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:08pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ Rich in Washington @2:07
Myself - and Otis Fodder - used to share a station with them, the wonderful Radio 23 network.
Avatar 2:10pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @2:08
Ashley was a prominent New Orleans blogger and the father of some friends of mine.
Avatar 2:12pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Maniac Psycho" by "Suicidal Rap Orgy"
I know all the people who are featured on this song, despite what you might think, they're the nicest people ever.
Avatar 2:13pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Rich in Washington @2:07
I got a copy of a “Full Life All-Stars” album that I reviewed on my old blog. Wonderful stuff. The website appears to be gone, so I hope they have a way of making their recordings available.
Avatar 2:14pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Mr Fab @2:13
I said in my review: “After listening to stuff this pure and beautiful, I don't want to listen to "normal" music (it seems so artificial) or angry music - these are the kind of people we look upon with discomfort and pity, but the sunny outlook here makes the rest of us all seem like a buncha goddamn whiners.”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:15pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ Mr Fab @2:13
I think it's just their Freeform radio show now. The schools incredible and very empowering. They used to be a block away from KBOO studios.
Avatar 2:18pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Song: "Without Love" by "Daniel Johnston"
It's a crime that Daniel's estate won't let the album this was recorded for come out.
Avatar 2:20pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Miss Mei @2:18
I wonder why? They seem to have no problem licensing Johnston's work for other things. Like "Hi How Are You" Vans shoes.
Avatar 2:22pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Mr Fab @2:20
It's very sad. People I know who have heard all the recordings have told me it's some of his best work.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:26pm
Rich in Washington:

I need to look through the pile of CDRs that Daniel left at KBOO studios when he visited eons ago. When the acting station manager quit, he dumped a bunch of stuff from his office in my mailbox - the DJ CDRs amongst all of it.
It was supposed to be all of his albums but just on plain CDRs with Sharpie titles on them.
Avatar 2:27pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Rich in Washington @2:26
If you could get those to me, that would be a big help. His people may not have some of it, I've helped recover a lot of live bootlegs they'd never heard before.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:27pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ Rich in Washington @2:26
Station manager was tasking volunteers with creating jewel cases for them for inclusion in the library but didn't get too far.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:28pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ Miss Mei @2:27
Now that I've more or less settled down from my move, I'll dig them up and take a look.
Avatar 2:29pm
Miss Mei:

↳ Rich in Washington @2:28
If anything is unreleased that is.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:33pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ Miss Mei @2:29
yeah. I was not at the time that familiar with Johnston's discography so had no idea if they were run-of-the-mill releases or not.
I don't even know if they're in an acceptable bitrate or not. Sometimes indie artists are not super adept at observing bitrate quality.
I had another pretty well known outsider guy send me a huge chunk of his back catalog in a DVD-R with no song titles, no ID3 tags, nada. I guess I was supposed to listen to it all and just play the ones I liked and wild-ass guess what the titles were.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:36pm
Krys O.:

↳ Mr Fab @1:28
I'm trying to get rid of a musty smell from a book I bought in eBay recently. It was an autographed copy of Hildegarde's book, Over 50, So What made out to Joe Franklin. I am a big fan of both Hildegarde and of Joe Franklin.

The book is in a bag with a box of baking soda.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:37pm
Krys O.:

I've been listening, but very busy with work preventing me from commenting.

FYI-Of possible interest to many here, a special guest on Joe McGasko's show next week on the mothership: Mon. May 22nd, 9am - Noon: Don Fleming
Musician, producer, and archivist Don Fleming brings fascinating and fun private-press records from his vast collection of records by forgotten lounge performers. Sold mostly as souvenir albums, these rarely heard releases, often recorded in actual lounges, are field recordings of a vibrant subculture of hard-working musicians now mostly lost.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:40pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ Krys O. @2:37
Oh wow! That sounds cool!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:41pm
Otis Fodder:

Hoppin' in, steppin' in, dippin' in. Dancin' in! Hi Mei and folks!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:42pm
Rich in Washington:

↳ Krys O. @2:36
Does the bag o' baking soda trick work? I need to start doing something like that for stinky records before sticking them in general population.
Avatar 2:43pm
Miss Mei:

The rest of the show is clowns
Avatar 2:44pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Krys O. @2:36
wow, never occurred to me that there was a way to get rid of musty book smell. Is the baking soda trick working?
Avatar 2:47pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Krys O. @2:37
Nice! Will have to check that out. I buy almost any private-press/lounge record I come across. Was digitizing one from a Bermuda hotel this morn.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:50pm
Krys O.:

↳ Mr Fab @2:47
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:52pm
Krys O.:

↳ Mr Fab @2:44
I'm going to check over the weekend. Corn starch was my go-to in the past, but I didn't have any on-hand. Will let you know how the baking soda works out.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:55pm
Rich in Washington:

Sunlight works pretty good for killing smells but not necessarily advised for records.
Avatar 2:56pm
Miss Mei:

Thanks for joining all!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:56pm
Rich in Washington:

Thanks, Miss Mei!
Avatar 2:57pm
Mr Fab:

↳ Miss Mei @2:56
thank YOU for all this clownin' around!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:57pm
Krys O.:

Thanks, Ms. Mei!
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