Favoriting World of Echo with Dave Mandl: Playlist from September 19, 2010 Favoriting

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Favoriting September 19, 2010

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Societe des Timides a la Parade des Oiseaux  Avant   Favoriting Le Combat Occulté  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Eddie Gale  Mexico Thing   Favoriting Black Rhythm Happening  0:04:32 (Pop-up)
Spaceways Inc.  Size Large   Favoriting Version Soul  0:09:43 (Pop-up)
Michael Giles Mad Band  Perverse Gear   Favoriting The Adventures of  0:13:24 (Pop-up)
Robert Fripp  Breathless   Favoriting Exposure  0:26:37 (Pop-up)
Smegma  Rock It Harder   Favoriting Ism  0:31:20 (Pop-up)
Linus P. Smile  Propellant Smiles   Favoriting Blackboxofhumus  0:34:47 (Pop-up)
Johnny Smith  Walk Don't Run!   Favoriting Spring Is Here: The Guitar Genius of  0:40:01 (Pop-up)
Ennio Morricone  A Fistful of Dynamite   Favoriting Happening  0:50:48 (Pop-up)
Wadada Leo Smith  Blue Flag   Favoriting Reflectativity  0:53:39 (Pop-up)
Leo Smit  Songs of Wonder   Favoriting Leo Smit  0:58:13 (Pop-up)
Spleen  Rest Sextet   Favoriting Soundtrack to Spleen  1:02:37 (Pop-up)
Carla Kihlstedt/Matthias Bossi/Shahzad Ismaily  Sixsixsixamore   Favoriting Causing a Tiger  1:12:17 (Pop-up)
Aidan Baker  Feed Me Yr Kiss   Favoriting Songs of Flowers & Skin  1:14:54 (Pop-up)
Function  City River Rock   Favoriting The Secret Miracle Fountain  1:20:34 (Pop-up)
Bernard Szajner  Superficial Music 1   Favoriting Superficial Music  1:24:31 (Pop-up)
Barton Smith  Scene Four   Favoriting Reelizations I & II  1:31:44 (Pop-up)
Ezekiel Honig  A Brief Visual Pattern   Favoriting Surfaces of a Broken Marching Band  1:42:46 (Pop-up)
Minamo + Lawrence English  Glimmer   Favoriting A Path Less Travelled  1:47:47 (Pop-up)
Michael Snow  Si Nopo Da   Favoriting The Last LP CD  1:53:04 (Pop-up)
Tatsuya Nakatani  [track 3]   Favoriting Abiogenesis  2:02:01 (Pop-up)
Blitzoids  Holes   Favoriting Look Up  2:00:21 (Pop-up)
Fursaxa  Trobairitz   Favoriting Amulet  2:11:11 (Pop-up)
Olivier Messiaen  L'Ascension, part 3   Favoriting Organ Works, Vol. 1  2:19:45 (Pop-up)
J. G. Thirlwell  10-Ton Shadow   Favoriting V/A: The NYFA Collection: 25 Years of New York New Music  2:24:10 (Pop-up)
Soldier String Quartet  N'Orleans   Favoriting Inspect for Damaged Goods  2:33:08 (Pop-up)
Vincent Gallo  Lonely Boy   Favoriting Recordings of Music for Film  2:36:56 (Pop-up)
Alan Sorrenti  Ma Tu Mi Ascolti   Favoriting Alan Sorrenti  2:39:06 (Pop-up)
John Cunningham  All I Want to Do   Favoriting 1998-2002  2:47:10 (Pop-up)
Marzipan Marzipan  Second Life   Favoriting Marzipan Marzipan  2:55:06 (Pop-up)
John Butcher & Rhodri Davies  Garth Heads   Favoriting Carliol  2:57:08 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Dave M:

Good evening, Ls and Gs.
Marco In Brooklyn:

Good evening Dave M :)
Dave M:

Hey, Marco.
Marco In Brooklyn:

A jazzy theme tonight?
Dave M:

That can change at any time.
BB in Donegal:

Great sounds and good evening to all listeners
Dave M:

Are you really listening in Donegal? Welcome!
Marco In Brooklyn:

I need to listen to more jazz.
BB in Donegal:

Yeah just can't let the weekend go with out listening to one of my fav radio stations. Always great music
Marco In Brooklyn:

Right now I'm all INDIE. And some classic rock
Marco In Brooklyn:

I listen to "world of echo" to get more culture. It's one of Dave M's specialty. He can find music no one has ever heard on radio:)
david in denver:

im sort of confused about smegma. there seems to be more than one group calling themselves that.
Dave M:

I think there was a British Smegma, but that was a long time ago. Not sure if there any others at the moment (besides the one I played, from Portland).

If you want to be really picky, "Walk Don't Run" should have a semicolon.
david in denver:

i think this from a film called duck you sucker
Dave M:

Snortley: Yeah, technically you're right, but that feels a little stiff to me. Especially in the title of a rock and roll song.

The film about Irish revolutionaries in Mexico?
david in denver:

yeah that movie it was kinda surreal

Bren meaning to watch it for years!
Think I even have it somewhere

This lady's voice reminds me of one of the singers on The Resident's "Wormwood".

To further add (ouch!) to the punctuation contoversy, The Ventures add a dash to the song title on their 45, and they use a comma on the album version.

David- how did you come across that flick?

As another grammar freak: Besides the concern of getting beaten up for using a semicolon in a rock-and-roll song (ha!), there's also the concern for fidelity to the artistic license of the songwriter and/or musician. If the writer and/or artist called it "Walk Don't Run!" then you basically have to stick with that, unless he uses it inconsistently, right?
david in denver:

kevin- from my local public library

hey Dave - enjoying the World of Echo tonite....thanks. @Ike in NJ -what up? @BB in Donegal.....WFMU should be doing a show from Galway in couple of months
Dave M:

Neil: Very interesting, thanks. I thought I remembered some punctuation mark in the Ventures version, but I wasn't sure.
Dave M:

Hey Billy. What up?
Dave M:

The Galway broadcast sounds exciting.

Ha, fantastic!
I dont think any of the NYC branches have a copy, at least nit when I was looking for it.

You can just see all those kids just starting out with a guitar strugging to preserve the artistic and grammatical vision.
Dave M:

Hey, there's no reason you can't rock *and* know your grammar!

"S" is good, as is "M"
Dave M:

Yeah, I love the "M" section.

Hello Dave. Thanks for the Honig. Some things that count can't be counted and some things that can't be counted count.
Dave M:

My sentiments exactly.

Hey hey to you too Billy Jam!

I knew you'd see it that way. Glad I found your show. -chris
Dave M:

Thanks, Chris.
Don't Play Misty:

Thanks for the cooking music, Dave! Ratatouille, roasted beets and fingerling potatoes, pasta e fagioli, and corn chowder have all been created during the respective watches of Gaylord, Monica, and you.

Just tuned in ...BB, I adore County Donegal! I lived for 4 months on Inishowen Penisula in Malin Head...and I was married there. Not to a member of the Doherty clan, however. I went with m y NYC beau. We stayed in a rented 3 room cottage on a cliff looking out to the ocean - handed to us free -by a friend who left before his 16months were up. I could go on and on but shall spare you.
I also love Dave Mandl's show! Now Dave is playing Messian? Thanks Dave! I shall listen to the entire show in archive. List looks quite fine! This is Thirwell? OK, Dave, you are super-fine!
John Davison:

Whee! Messiaen's _Ascension_! BTW, next time you're in Atlantic City, check out the organs at Atlantic City Boardwalk Hall. The ballroom organ restoration is nearing completion, and they've recently removed a large chunk of pipework from the auditorium organ's left stage chamber to be sent out for repair. http://www.acchos.org
Dave M:

Misty: I'm starving, and that's not helping :-)

Angela: Thanks. Never been to Ireland, unfortunately. (Don't tell Billy.)

John: Thanks. Will check out that site.
dan in Falls Church VA:

...enjoying show....
Dave M:

Hey Dan. Thanks.
John Davison:

@angela: tantalizingly close to County Donegal is the Sonic Arts Research Centre at Queen's University, Belfast -- a must-visit if you're traveling to Belfast, Northern Ireland. http://www.sarc.qub.ac.uk/main.php
dan in Falls Church VA:

>"All I Want to Do" by John Cunningham

Sweeeeet track!!!! Who's this guy?!?!? Google time...
Marco In Brooklyn:

That song made me cry:-(::::::::
John in Parsippany:

Hey Dave Mandl,
How you doin'? Heard you play "Walk Don't Run" earlier, just wanted to mention, I would compare that to "Bouree" as performed by Tull. Thanks for playing it. Never heard that original version of the song before. Cheers.
dan in Falls Church VA:

yup, mellotron flute, a la strawberry fields....
jeez, i could turn you on to beckets of mellotron stuff!
dan in Falls Church VA:

or maybe not, your depth of musical knowledge being rather daunting....
Dave M:

John: I know lots of Mellotron stuff, but always happy to lean about more.

Signing off now. Thanks everyone, and have a great week!
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