Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from December 27, 2011 Favoriting

Aerial View was WFMU’s first regularly-scheduled phone-in talk show. Hosted by Chris T. and on the air since 1989, the show features topical conversation, interviews and many trips down the rabbit hole. Until further notice, Aerial View is only available as a podcast, available every Tuesday morning. Subscribe to the newsletter “See You Next Tuesday!” and find tons of archives at aerialview.me. (Visit homepage.)

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Favoriting December 27, 2011: Put a Fork In It's Done

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The Chris T. Specials  Message to Aerial View   Favoriting

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Listener comments!

Marmalade Kitty:

ha ha :)

obligation (plural obligations)

The act of binding oneself by a social, legal, or moral tie to someone.
A social, legal, or moral requirement, duty, contract, or promise that compels someone to follow or avoid a particular course of action.
A course of action imposed by society, law, or conscience by which someone is bound or restricted.
(law) A legal agreement stipulating a specified payment or action; the document containing such agreement.

1) moral or legal requirement, duty
2) a legally enforceable agreement to perform some act for the benefit of another party
3) a written contract containing a penalty
3b) an instrument acknowledging indebtedness to secure the repayment of money borrowed
4) something owed in return for a service or favour
5) a service or favour for which one is indebted
Marmalade Kitty:

a debt of gratitude for a service or favour
*she didn’t want to be under an obligation to him
Marmalade Kitty:


other dictionary:
1) a law, promise, influence etc. that forces one to do something; a duty
2) the condition of being forced to do something, especially by one's conscience (one example they give is "They attended the party more out of a sense of obligation than anything else." Appropriate...

No, Catholic guilt seems to be "confessed away." Nice out.

wow this is a heavy show ---
Brass Knuckles:

If your family members are complete bastards, you have to remind yourself the only thing you have in common with them is blood. I don't know why people feel "obligated" to continue even struggle to m maintain a relationship with someone, who if they weren't strangers, you would have never had any interest in even getting to know them.

@kat330: well, guilt for actual, real sins is "confessed away", but the constant feeling of guilt that is bred into you never goes away

@Caryn: If bred into you, yes, but in my experience, many Catholics seem able to engage in guiltless "sinning" so long as they say penance. Not sure other organized religions have that out so much.

To make a point here: Bitching about material issues and differences with family members seems shallow. There are so many bigger, more valid reasons to disassociate from blood relatives.

brass knuckles, 2 thumbs up, and in the same vein; what's with the don't speak ill of the dead thing? as far as i'm concerned, if somebody's a douche when they're alive, dying ain't gonna change that.

@kat330: exactly, active sinning is fine, it can be handled by doing penance, but it seems many Catholics also have this almost subconscious constant feeling that they are "somehow bad" in some intangible way that they can't get away from and are thus always kinda plagued by. Something a lot of Jewish people I know seem to suffer from too. And that is a feeling that most Italian, Irish and Yiddishe mamas are masters of exploiting... And thus we are back to "family obligations".

If this isn't a prank, then the material obsession here is just sad. G'night.

yeeesh - awkward...
wah wah:

it's called white trash

When I met her she was a beauty queen
Who wanted something more
Now she's hanging out with me in front of the liquor store
And it won't start when I shut it off
So she has to get the beer
She puts it in the back seat
And she quietly says to me
When, exactly, did we become white trash
How come we have seven dogs living in the garage
How come the only eight track in our car is Johnny Cash
When, exactly, did we become white trash
And she tells everybody that I've got my PhD
But it stands for Post Hole Digger
[ From: http://www.elyrics.net/read/f/fred-eaglesmith-lyrics/white-trash-lyrics.html ]
It ain't exactly a degree
And there's curtains on the window
And we hardly watch TV
And that double wide is triple wide
Now that's she's with me
And she says
When, exactly, did we become white trash
How come we got seven dogs
And who burned down the garage
How come the only eight track in our car is Johnny Cash
When, exactly, did we become white trash
Girls: When, exactly, did we become white trash
Boys: When, exactly, did we become white trash
When, exactly, did we become white trash

Damn, what'd they spike your egg nog with, Chris?

"a donation has been made in your name to WFMU, merry X-mas! And P.S. KMAG YOYO!"

what does YOYO stand for?

X-mas, New Year's Eve & Valentine's Day all have these "obligation to do certain things" pressure on them that take all the fun out, whether it's "buy gifts", "go to party/have a date/kiss at midnight" or "have romantic date". Obligations bringing down a 2-month period of the year... sigh.
wah wah:

wow , i remember when this show was occasionally funny.

@hamburger: "you're on your own"

ah thanks :)

@hamburger If you don't know, You're On Your Own.

I'm that guy that doesn't reciprocate. My advice is to stop buying gifts for people like that. Christmas is a consumerist sham where people subconsciously try to buy some feeling that is missing from their life. Sorry if it sounds blunt and rude, but I don't feel like participating.

Thanks for the show Chris, just what I needed after another holiday spent listening to my 35 year old sister prattle on like a self absorbed 6 year old...why are we stuck trying to tolerate them when they don't give us a second thought?
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