Favoriting World of Echo with Dave Mandl: Playlist from March 30, 2012 Favoriting

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Favoriting March 30, 2012: Fill-in for Pseu Braun
(This show is dedicated to KE, SH, HT, Pseu, and you, but you weren't listening.)

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Daniele Brusaschetto  Nuovi Operai   Favoriting Mezza Luna Piena  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Picchio dal Pozzo  Strativari   Favoriting Abbiamo Tutti i Suoi Problemi  0:04:00 (Pop-up)
Pyrolator  Du bist so...Ich traume   Favoriting Ausland  0:10:15 (Pop-up)
Felix Kubin  Total 2   Favoriting TXRF  0:13:45 (Pop-up)
Edgar Broughton Band  For What You Are About to Receive   Favoriting Demons at the Beeb  0:22:16 (Pop-up)
Camille Sauvage  Musique de L'Au-Dela   Favoriting Fantasmagories  0:26:47 (Pop-up)
Groundhogs  Strange Town   Favoriting Thank Christ for the Bomb  0:28:58 (Pop-up)
Roy Harper  All You Need Is   Favoriting Songs of Love and Loss  0:34:04 (Pop-up)
Black to Comm  Water   Favoriting Music from the Film "Earth"  0:39:08 (Pop-up)
Charming Hostess  Heaven Sitting Down   Favoriting Punch  0:50:01 (Pop-up)
Au Pairs  Ideal Woman   Favoriting Equal But Different  0:53:40 (Pop-up)
Blossom Toes  Telegram Tuesday   Favoriting We Are Ever So Clean  0:57:27 (Pop-up)
Kraftwerk  Showroom Dummies   Favoriting Trans Europe Express  1:03:05 (Pop-up)
Cabaret Voltaire  Kneel to the Boss   Favoriting The Voice of America  1:09:13 (Pop-up)
Yair Yona  This One's For You Glenn   Favoriting World Behind Curtains  1:13:52 (Pop-up)
Laetitia Sadier  Natural Child   Favoriting The Trip  1:19:49 (Pop-up)
Phiip Gayle  Naked Brunch   Favoriting Babanço Total  1:23:44 (Pop-up)
Andrew Bird  Near Death Experience Experience   Favoriting Break It Yourself  1:33:39 (Pop-up)
Crawling with Tarts  Noche Gato III   Favoriting Mayten's Throw  1:38:12 (Pop-up)
Kippi Kaninus  The Piano Player Takes a Bath   Favoriting Huggun  1:41:09 (Pop-up)
Jenny Scheinman  Milk Bottle   Favoriting Shalagaster  1:46:37 (Pop-up)
Shelley Hirsch/Simon Ho  Mining the Light   Favoriting Where Were You Then?  1:58:45 (Pop-up)
Rachel's  Honeysuckle Suite   Favoriting Selenography  2:02:18 (Pop-up)
Evan Lurie  Fired!   Favoriting How I Spent My Vacation  2:07:35 (Pop-up)
Klarc Qent  Eddie Lang Saxophone   Favoriting Junk Jazz  2:10:11 (Pop-up)
Eric Glick Rieman  Reinventing Belief   Favoriting In My Mind, Her Image Was Reversed  2:29:43 (Pop-up)
Queen  Killer Queen (tack piano track)   Favoriting Sheer Heart Attack  2:18:43 (Pop-up)
The Band of Endless Noise  Let Us Destroy the People   Favoriting The Band of Endless Noise  2:29:05 (Pop-up)
Ptôse  The Baby's Song   Favoriting Early Recordings 1979-83  2:35:39 (Pop-up)
Flying Lizards  Ash and Diamond   Favoriting The Secret Dub Life of the Flying Lizards  2:38:12 (Pop-up)
Kiss the Anus of a Black Cat  Prelude   Favoriting An Interlude to the Outermost  2:43:52 (Pop-up)
Arthur Russell  Instrumentals Vol. 1 (excerpts)   Favoriting First Thought Best Thought  2:52:39 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:03pm
Dave M:

Evening, everyone.

Nice so far. :-)
Avatar 9:06pm
Dave M:

Thanks. Just 2 hours and 53 minutes to go!

man, I was all set to put on the tube...
Avatar 9:07pm
Dave M:

No, don't do that.
miss cheri:

hi ya dave,,i promise you that i quit talking about mila kunis from now on!!
Obvious Guy:

oops! too late!
sinister dexter:

howdy mr. Mandl and fellow listeners ... greetings from grand rapids michigan ... good to hear your show again Dave , yours was one of the first i realy got into when i first started listening a few years ago
miss cheri:

so dave it's great to see you once again!!
Avatar 9:24pm
Dave M:

Aw, thanks, Dexter.
Avatar 9:25pm
Dave M:

@cheri: Thanks. You're allowed only one Mila Kunis mention per show, though.

all my walls just melted into basement paneling

Musique de L'Au-Dela: "Like"
Avatar 9:30pm
Dave M:

Merci, Irwin.

groundhogs. play stackwaddy next!

Let the inner rock hellion out Dave
Avatar 9:35pm
Dave M:

Wish I'd brought my Sir Lord Baltimore LPs with me, but no...

there's never a bad time to hear 'man from manhattan'. this roy harper is real nice.
Avatar 9:38pm
Dave M:

Thanks. It's a new comp of Harper's stuff. 2 CDs.

Music from/of "the beyond." (L'Au-Dela)
Avatar 9:51pm
Dave M:

Damn, my French gets worse and worse. But thanks!
Richard from Venezuela:

Good evening Dave and all the listeners.
Avatar 9:55pm
Dave M:

Hey, Richard.
Chris in Newton:

Dave- Nice show, great music. Welcome to Friday night. Thank you.
Avatar 10:05pm
Dave M:

Thanks, Chris. Glad to be here.
Mike East:

Anyone lucky or rich enough to get tickets to the Kraftwerk shows at MoMA?
Avatar 10:14pm
Dave M:

Mike East:

hehehe...I expected as much. Everyone here gives all their extra loot to FMU. Nice show this evening. Yair is sounding great.
Richard from Venezuela:

great song by Yair.
Dead Corporate Eyes:

hey Friday night folks!
Avatar 10:22pm
Dave M:

Hey there.

Great show for a stormy Friday night, Dave! Happy to hear you filling in.

I take it Lee Ranaldo's solo album is not being too well received by the critics (for what that's worth).
Avatar 10:25pm
Dave M:

Thanks, T-Z.
Avatar 10:27pm
Dave M:

@PB: Why not?
Dead Corporate Eyes:

there's a Pitchfork review of the Lee album that basically said he played it too safe. Screw Pitchfork, I know, but it seemed like a well-written piece.

The reviews I've read have been especially critical of the lyrics, some critics suggesting that they are laughingly bad. I bought the CD and have listened to the first half. No real opinion yet, need more time to digest it. The guitar playing (especially the acoustic playing) sounds good to me.

here it says "Track" which I take to mean a recording of a particular performance of a certain song or piece of music
Andrew Waterloo:

I've liked what I've heard of the new Lee Renaldo on FMU. I've never paid much attention to Pitchfork. I find they tend to review an album against what they determined it should be all too often.
Avatar 10:37pm
Dave M:

True, what you see says "Track," but our input screen says "Song."

The longer no one comments further, the more I find myself revisiting the 10:37 comment, and wondering: Can there be no end to the intriguing arcana?
Avatar 11:01pm
Dave M:

The arcana never ends here at FMU.

And in the best way!
miss cheri:

thnx dave for another outstanding show,,also for puting up with me,,,night!!
Avatar 11:10pm
Dave M:

Thanks G. Night, Mlle Cheri.

yey arcana

Could you play CCR's Cotton Fields, it mentions arcana
Avatar 11:20pm
Dave M:

I'd have to go search for it. Not sure we have it...

Just a play on words tex-arcana, no need to go a searching. Imagine CCR on fmu, although a great song.
George of Troy:

I liked how that Klarc Qent track evolved towards the end. Really nice set, Dave. Always a treat to hear you doing a show.
Avatar 11:32pm
Dave M:

Thanks, George. I appreciate it.
Avatar 11:33pm
Dave M:

@Steve: No problem playing CCR, though I admit I don't play them often. I now wish I had "Cosmo's Factory" here with me.

when this Band of Endless Noise track started, I wasn't expecting anything like this. I like how they hype their own name as if they were a hip-hop group

best band name ever

i was going to just hang low, but now that kissing cat anus is involved, I must chime in. Love what I've heard the past 40 minutes.
Avatar 11:54pm
Dave M:

Thanks, Des. @Bucky: I couldn't agree more. It's just hard for me to say without bursting out laughing (literally).

I noticed. Also, I guess your show is named after the Arthur Russell album, isn't it? Is it weird that I've gotten him confused with Terry Riley one more than one occasion now? I know most of Russell's stuff isn't so minimalist, so I don't know why I confuse the two.

Anyways great show, man.

Always great to hear you (music+vox) Dave. Thanks! Look forward to your next appearance and Tweets.
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