Favoriting World of Echo with Dave Mandl: Playlist from April 15, 2012 Favoriting

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Favoriting April 15, 2012: Fill-in for Martha

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Tom Hamilton  Modhera   Favoriting Pieces For Kohn/Formal & Informal Music  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Thonghuad Faited  Zeang Klong Kao   Favoriting Diew Sor Isan:The North East Thai Violin of Thonghuad Faited  0:08:30 (Pop-up)
Larry Young  If   Favoriting Unity  0:12:42 (Pop-up)
Art Farmer Quartet  Va Da Du?   Favoriting To Sweden with Love  0:19:21 (Pop-up)
Les Double Six  For Lena and Lennie   Favoriting Les Double Six  0:33:53 (Pop-up)
Mills Brothers  Chinatown, My Chinatown   Favoriting Four Boys and a Guitar:The Essential Mills Brothers  0:37:26 (Pop-up)
The Everly Brothers  I Wonder If I Care As Much   Favoriting 16 of Their Greatest Recordings  0:40:25 (Pop-up)
Beatles  Two of Us   Favoriting Anthology 3  0:42:58 (Pop-up)
Roger Miller  Misunderstanding the Time   Favoriting Elemental Guitar  0:53:42 (Pop-up)
Fad Gadget  State of the Nation   Favoriting Fireside Favourites  0:56:42 (Pop-up)
Monochrome Set  Eine Symphonie des Grauens   Favoriting The Independent Singles Collection  0:59:49 (Pop-up)
Eyeless in Gaza  Back from the Rains   Favoriting Back from the Rains  1:02:04 (Pop-up)
Erik M  Pavlova   Favoriting Transfall  1:13:00 (Pop-up)
Eleanor Hovda  Jo Ha Kyu   Favoriting The Eleanor Hovda Collection  1:24:25 (Pop-up)
Hawkwind  Quark, Strangeness and Charm   Favoriting Quark, Strangeness and Charm  1:27:11 (Pop-up)
Fanny  Candlelighter Man   Favoriting First Time in a Long Time: The Reprise Recordings  1:31:39 (Pop-up)
Moe Tucker  Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow?   Favoriting I Feel So Far Away: Anthology 1974-1998  1:35:34 (Pop-up)
Vijay Iyer Trio  Optimism   Favoriting Accelerando  1:50:06 (Pop-up)
Ron Anderson / Robert L. Pepper / David Tamura / Philippe Petit  [track 4]   Favoriting Close Encounters of the 4 Minds  1:59:10 (Pop-up)
Neptune  Dsti Sgnl   Favoriting Msg Rcvd  2:05:51 (Pop-up)
Comus  Diana   Favoriting First Utterance  2:17:35 (Pop-up)
Fairport Convention  Genesis Hall   Favoriting Unhalfbricking  2:22:43 (Pop-up)
Kevin Ayers  Soon Soon Soon   Favoriting Joy of a Toy (reissue)  2:25:53 (Pop-up)
Karen Dalton  Don't Make Promises   Favoriting 1966  2:29:10 (Pop-up)
Fabio Orsi  My Awesome Drugs Propaganda   Favoriting Stand Before Me, Oh My Soul  2:40:25 (Pop-up)
Charles Mingus Sextet with Eric Dolphy  Jitterbug Waltz   Favoriting Cornell 1964  2:47:27 (Pop-up)
Jozef Van Wissem and Jim Jarmusch  Concerning the Entrance Into Eternity   Favoriting Concerning the Entrance Into Eternity  2:58:55 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Richard from Venezuela:

Good evening Dave. Nice hear your music selections again.

Hello all good people.
Avatar 9:07pm
Dave M:

Evening, folks.
Andrew Waterloo:

hello hello again
miss cheri:

hiya dave--as i recall the last time you were on,, you never answered my question,,,do you agree that mila k. is a god?? btw great to see you once again!!
Avatar 9:14pm
Dave M:

Hi Andrew. Cheri: Sorry, still working on that one.

Define "god".

define insane.

@glenn: psst, ^^^^^^^ some things are better experienced phenomenologically, or phenomenillogically

these tracks span quite an array of vocals, dave!
Avatar 10:00pm
Dave M:

Yeah, I guess. But all connected in some way...maybe.
sinister dexter:

howdy Dave ^_^ hi listeners ^_^ enjoying the sounds here in grand rapids michigan
Avatar 10:01pm
Dave M:

Hey Dexter.
George of Troy:

Another chance meeting with World of Echo . . . Most excellent. Hi Dave and fellow listeners!

Dave you're way cooler than Don Draper. #madmeh

now, where's my goddamn Hawkwind?

Recordings that gestate in djs' bags. I bet that would make an interesting list.
Avatar 10:25pm
Dave M:

Greetings, George. A surprise to me too. Martha needed a fill-in at the very last minute.
Avatar 10:26pm
Dave M:

Marc, I have it here! I'll try to fit it into this set if I haven't lost you to Mad Men.
Avatar 10:26pm
Dave M:

@triish: Not so sure about that. Sometimes they gestate for a reason.
Avatar 10:27pm
Dave M:

Marc: Here it is, just for you.

No, Mad World of Echo trumps Le Draper any time...

Thank you thank you thank you thank you! Great record, great show!
Avatar 10:29pm
Dave M:

@triish: Sometimes you never get around to playing the record because it sucks and you're unwilling to admit that.
Avatar 10:30pm
Dave M:

@Marc: Was going to send you a photo of it earlier, but f***ing Facebook never seems to work right for me.

Diggin Dave. Draper = Drooper.

Yet djs still carry them around. That's the interesting part, I think, quality aside.

I'd guess it's pretty common.
Avatar 10:33pm
Dave M:

Hope springs eternal. You keep thinking, I want to play this record and I'll find a spot for it in a set someday. But You never do, because your heart's not in it.

Looking at few old 'port' folders of my own - maybe not interesting. Maybe just 'curious'.

DaveM, Your rationale sounds close to admission of "guilty pleasure". Love enough to lug around, sensible enough not to air.
Avatar 10:37pm
Dave M:

Yeah, maybe. But there's almost nothing I won't have the nerve to air at SOME time. Except maybe "Tarkus."

Speaking of guilty pleasures... I'll never feel guilty listening to Mo, no matter what she's playing.

Sigh... My gateway DJ to FMU was DJ Donna Dummer (Jason Forrest), and he once played Tarkus in the middle of a breakcore set. That's what set FMU hook for good. (I even loved your 9 minute DP jam on your other fill in a few days ago)
George of Troy:

Dave, does that mean you *would* have the nerve to play "Love Beach"? Not that I'd want you to do that . . .
Tom - In Gravesend Brooklyn:

Fanny is Australia guess that one lol

If Mo ever recorded an ELP song it might give me pause, however.
Avatar 10:53pm
Dave M:

@Droll: Yeah, I used to talk to Jason (Donna Summer) about that. I guess he was too young to realize how "uncool" that stuff was. I was amazed at a Yes track he played one time, and he got angry. "Why does everyone put down Yes so much???!!!"
Avatar 10:54pm
Dave M:

@Tom: Are you saying they were Australian, not English? I bet the word means the same thing there, though.
miss cheri:

oh dave,,speaking of mila do you own any of her movies?? cause i do...
Avatar 10:55pm
Dave M:

I was a big Yes fan in my day, but I have to admit there was a time you just couldn't play that stuff on the radio. I think the song was "America," which is actually great.
Avatar 10:56pm
Dave M:

Nope, don't think I've ever seen her. Is she anything like Ellen Page?
miss cheri:

dave who's ellen page?

I think Jason would have written "WHY DDOEES EVEERRRRYOOONEEEE PUUUUUUT DOWHN HYES!????!!!!!!!!" A few weeks ago ScottW played all four sides of Tales from Topographical Oceans simultaneously (I admit partial blame for seeding that idea). I guess he missed the memo.
Entertainment Tonite:

I heard Mila and Ellen and Kate Winslet are forming a combination Bangles/ELP tribute band
Avatar 11:02pm
Dave M:

I heard about Scott's "Tales" stunt. Brilliant, but unfortunately I haven't heard it yet.
Avatar 11:03pm
Dave M:

I'd go to see that.
Avatar 11:04pm
Dave M:

(I mean the Mila/Ellen/Kate band.)
Entertainment Tonite:

The highlight is Kate stabbing the keyboard with a knife and simulating sex with it.
miss cheri:

dave i have to split now,, but i'm enjoying your show
see you soon,,
Entertainment Tonite:

That's during "Just Another Manic Solo"
Avatar 11:08pm
Dave M:

Thanks. See ya, Cheri.
Andrew Waterloo:

Rush would be my guilty pleasure. I always felt too guilty about liking Yes to really enjoy it.

what's with all the guilt? It's music.
Entertainment Tonite:

Other than that people wanted you to "take sides" in the great prog vs punk battle back in the day, what's to feel guilty about? Music is music.

OK, here's my drop-dead, unbelievably weird piece of Yes - not really trivia, but a strange fact.

If you put "Tales From Topographic Oceans" into an anagram finder, you get: SOFT ORCHESTRAL, EGOMANIAC POP (I kid you not!)
miss cheri:

but before i go,, i'm sorry about babbling about mila kunis dave night!!

Avatar 11:11pm
Dave M:

That's OK, Cheri, I'm used to it.

@ET: Yeah, people were really taking sides at one point. It was dangerous to be a fan of certain bands in certain crowds.
Avatar 11:12pm
Dave M:

@Marc: Amazing!
Entertainment Tonite:

Yeah, I was there too, Dave. Seeing the upsides and downsides of any kind of music is what made me a bad sidetaker, and eventually an FMU listener...


I know, it's just one of those weird things that make your blood tingle.

John Cage, back when I worked for him, had "invented" this system called "Mesostics" wherein you could find a "secret" phrase hiding in plain sight using chance operations against a chosen text. Similarly weird things popped up then.

Dave, if you "anagramize" your name, you get... LED MAD VAN.

just sayin'
Robert Plant:

@Marc: KEWL!

Prog rock, despite being rock's perennial whipping boy, is one of rock's most durable genres. There are still lots of new bands, albums, and the old fans don't die, they just stop buying re-mastered box sets.
Avatar 11:22pm
Dave M:

@Marc: Good to know.

Kevin Ayers, Joy of a Toy = JOY OF AN OKAY SEVERITY

@Droll: If the anti-proggers weren't so **defensive** about prog, they wouldn't have made such a point about keeping Yes out of the RnR HoF. Dave Marsh (one of the main nomination determiners) ranges strictly from punk to Bruce S., nothing flashier than that. -- That's the Dave Marsh who called Queen the first genuinely fascist rock band. So he's still fighting the good anti-prog fight even today, 35 years later.
Andrew Waterloo:

The anti-prog thing seems very populist. Then again, most mainstream rock praise seems very populist.

G, Good point -- Anti-prog rhetoric is often so out of proportion to the "crime" of playing too many notes that we must assume the haters have something to hide: a secret fetishistic love for 9 minute songs with 7/8 time signatures, Mellotron, and flute solos.

I love 7/8 and 9-minute songs. But flute solos?

That's where I draw the line, goddammit.

Nice stochastic Sunday sorta mood to your show in my ears, tonight, Dave.
Maybe. I don't know.
Avatar 11:48pm
Dave M:

I love all of those things.
Andrew Waterloo:

Or the esoteric nature of music that needs to be intellectualized to be fully appreciated.

I hope this Mingus piece is 9 minutes long.

I think it was really politics/ideology: In other words, if punk rebelled against social injustice and was somehow left of center or anarchistic, then the music it was rebelling against must be at least crypto-fascist. Ironic, given the gentle newagey lyrics of Yes, and the lack of any rightwingness in prog music. But I suppose if you are geared up and bound and determined to fight, you are going to create an us-vs.-them template regardless of the actual facts.

There's a lot of good stuff in both punk and prog (and a lot of schlock in both, too). Why the manicheanism?
Avatar 11:54pm
Dave M:

Mingus piece = 9:59.

. o O (It's interesting that even here with open-minded self-selecting WFMU listeners, prog still carries such enormous baggage. I don't think I could name another music genre which would split the comments board like that)
Andrew Waterloo:

@G, There is another ideal where rock is more appropriately a more youthful, urban, and reckless genre that is more suited for the dance hall. There is a feeling that prog and many of the bigger classic rock bands betray that.
Listener Bob (2907):

Listening on the archives. It's good to hear you back on the air again.
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