Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from April 17, 2012 Favoriting

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Favoriting April 17, 2012: Girlcott is GO!

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Beastie Chris T. Boys  Girls Aerial View   Favoriting

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Listener comments!

the glowing one:

Girls is my ringtone. gets me weird looks all the time.
Staatin Eyelanduh:

Get offa my freakin hiway ya Jehsey intehlopuh

It's Danish. Lego comes from Legt godt ("play well") or something. Just watched a documentary on the history of Lego...

Lego is from Denmark :D BTW I'm a girl, and I like building planes from Lego
Andrew Waterloo:

I'm constantly frustrated by my daughter's perception that there are boy toys and girl toys, or boy things and girl things. That it's wrong for her to cross that imaginary line.

I grew up playing with Lego, my fave was the lunar landscape. Girls play and will play with traditional Legos. The problem is that nowadays all the ads are aimed at boys and put in the "boys' section" in the toy store. Even in the "minifigs" line, it seems like the only female figures are a bride and Cleopatra. Legos should be marketed as gender-neutral.
Andrew Waterloo:

Never worked outside the home.

romney think POOR women have to go work outside the home in order to know " the dignity or work" but not his bitch of a wife! fuck romney

@darue: exactly! Apparently, being a full-time mother has no dignity like "real work", and anyways, poor mothers don't deserve to be paid for raising their kids. But when you're a rich mother who can stay home without needing financial assistance, then suddenly full-time motherhood is saintly and gives you complete understanding of the working-class female experience. Hell, you're surrounded by working-class women, like your maids and nannies...
Andrew Waterloo:

It's matter of empathy. Can you really appreciate what the average person goes through when your idea of struggling is having to cash in some of your shares to get through college.
Ken From Hyde Park:

What about Lego minifigures that are gender-neutral, like some space aliens?

Bertrand Russell wrote extensively about eliminating the idea that the job of "parenting" is inherently the woman's responsibility and instead promoting "parenting" as a career option (eg. government subsidized babysitters and daycare), which would in turn create thousands of jobs... perhaps the Romneys' argument would (ironically?) benefit from socialist ideas?

My husband and I were talking about this today. Our 2 year old daughter was playing with chalk and the 3 and 5 year old boys next door were so excited to play with her because they never had chalk before. There dad said he never thought about buying it because chalk was "girly". Creativity should not have a gender.
forked tongue:

Wow, Phil has very important points to make!!!

Step aside, Little Lady, and let a man explain the way the world works.

Check out my friends web series of real stories from real kids, for positive real kid role models. They are the best!!!

as far as Lego's go... the point of lego's was/is to build YOUR OWN stuff from the parts, not build the dumb crap they ship.
Ken From Hyde Park:

Need to pick a new topic. According to Brickipedia, nothing to do with Lego happened on this date. http://lego.wikia.com/wiki/April_17
the glowing one:

someone please explain to him the importance of culture vs. genetics

My favorite toy as a toddler was a plastic shopping cart- would pretend to be shopping. Dude is wrong

Are there any non-jackasses with phones who can call in?

It's also interesting that even on the Lego website, the site as a general is for boys, and the "girls stuff" is limited to a special category. Not to mention the fact that they market these new figures as "Lego for girls", as if the rest is, by elimination, for boys only. And the fact that the new figures come ready-assembled and even the kits are mainly built. The idea being that girls can't even put together their friggin' figures and kits, but have to have them built for them...
forked tongue:

Really can't guess why Phil feels so strongly about this.
Andrew Waterloo:

The pressure to be 'normal'
forked tongue:

Look up "Male Answer Syndrome" while yer at it.

This is great! Phil was the perfect example.

The days when Lego was still selling their kits as "universal": http://jennhoney.tumblr.com/post/173114485/i-didnt-have-legos-it-would-have-been
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