Favoriting Aerial View: Playlist from May 8, 2012 Favoriting

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Favoriting May 8, 2012: Hot For Teachers

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Van Chris T. Halen  Hot for Aerial View Teacher   Favoriting

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Listener comments!

listener David:

Best teacher EVER, and has made the most difference in my life...My MOM!! She taught for 31 years in Parsippany.
Danne D:

Intrigued by this episode.

Finland in the hizzouse! Although there are some "private" schools in Finland (religious ones), but the equity thing is true. Also: free education, money for students, and no standardised tests, apart from the high school finals.

Hurray for Finland!
miss cheri:

hey danne & caryn,,what's up?
Danne D:

Also known for their Finnishing schools.
Danne D:

Hi cheri. You should call - bet you have an interesting take on education.
Danne D:

I think there is a concerted effort to promote class division by weakening public schools.
the glowing one:

another point why the system works as it does is that as a rich family you can simply buy your kid's "education" meaning the diploma, that wouldn't work in an education system like in finland.

I want to thank Mr. Cagnetto and Dr. Cain--English Lit. teachers at Coral Springs High School in the late eighties

Also, plenty of language education. You start to learn your first foreign language in 3rd grade, your second domestic language in 7th grade, your second foreign language in 7th/8th grade, your third foreign language at the start of high school. And then optional languages galore. And foreign language kindergartens before school. By the end of high school, I had studied 7 languages. That helps in every field of your life.

The book, Black Cracker, by Josh Alan Friedman is bloody hilarious. He was the only white kid in a black school around 1964.
the glowing one:

it sure smells like a campaign to change the system to the worse
Danne D:

She brings up an excellent point - they love to play zero-sum games with this stuff. Nobody asks if the fire deparment or police station turns a profit.

Starting with "Mrs. Sprong" in Kindergarten, on through Betty Weaver, Revis Sproul, Sara Rogers, Jim Beer, Bobbi Barbalace, Bob Pohlad, the list of good and influential teachers and college instructors I've enjoyed knowing do deserve thanks! Great topic as always.
Kinda like being a parent, I appreciated them more once I tried doing the job, in this case as as a Peace Corps Volunteer. You can know a lot about Biology, but imparting this to a room full of teenagers is a hard thing to do!
I sense you will dare discuss the bad administration of school systems like ours here in Philadelphia- keep going! Their magnet schools, flim flam charter schools and other alternative deals have mostly fallen apart, so today they announce they may not open any school (apart from the 40 they allready plan on closing) this fall. Scary stuff, especially when one considers the attendance rate for some schools is under half and I understand less than that percent will graduate. How can anyone teach well in that environment?

Charter schools are a rigged system they are supposed to have no choice in who they take but they do have a choice in who they keep. Then they are held up as examples to show how poorly regular public schools should perform. It's ridiculous.
Blame Canada:

I wouldn't toot Canada's horn too loudly regarding how teachers are revered. In British Columbia (that chunk on the left coast), the goverment keeps cutting services and budgets. Do more with less, teach more kids, including the behavioural/learning disabilities - unless you're a private school. Then you can take the cream of the crop and bleat on about how good you are.
Danne D:

Exactly FrankenNewYork. Notice that they don't have the same restrictions that guys like Christie prefer such as caps on Superintendent pay. Unfair fight.

The key is always to actually revere education and teachers. As long as teaching is seen as a fall-back job anyone can do, teachers' unions are called "thugs" and encouraging education is called "elitism", you end up with underfunded schools where teachers have to spend their supposedly high (yeah, right...) salaries to buy their students books and pens and a dozen different ways to constantly evaluate school performance that only hinder education and have nothing to do with whether students are actually learning anything.
Danne D:

Take care everyone :)

I'd like to thank Rauski, Mari, Colin and Anthony for being great teachers! And Mike's great teacher family, who fought the KKK and taught MLK Jr.

Yes Canada has worse schools than they did when my Mom was a student in Ontario. Right now their immigrant influx and extra attention to single parent, poor and developmentally challenged kids is a problem, but they are dealing with it and we are not!
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