Favoriting World of Echo with Dave Mandl: Playlist from August 5, 2012 Favoriting

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Favoriting August 5, 2012

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Arm  Humming Bug   Favoriting Open Reminder  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Ballaké Sissoko and Vincent Segal  Chamber Music   Favoriting Chamber Music  0:04:32 (Pop-up)
Lindsey Buckingham  Great Day   Favoriting Gift of Screws  0:09:23 (Pop-up)
Sharron Kraus  Come to Me   Favoriting Songs of Love and Loss  0:12:30 (Pop-up)
Anne Briggs  Willie O'Winsbury   Favoriting Anne Briggs  0:16:03 (Pop-up)
ae  Glitterball   Favoriting Love Your Smile  0:29:07 (Pop-up)
Boards of Canada  Gyroscope   Favoriting Geogaddi  0:32:54 (Pop-up)
Nicolas Collins  #11 (w/Robert Poss)   Favoriting 100 of the World's Most Beautiful Melodies  0:35:55 (Pop-up)
Golden Retriever  Canopy   Favoriting Occupied with the Unspoken  0:39:28 (Pop-up)
Starring  Wo   Favoriting ABCDEFG-HIJKLMNOP-QRSTUV-WXYZ  0:53:52 (Pop-up)
Alexander "Skip" Spence  War in Peace   Favoriting Oar  0:58:27 (Pop-up)
Edward Ka-Spel  Mechanical Sam   Favoriting A Long Red Ladder to the Moon  1:01:52 (Pop-up)
Homosexuals  Hearts in Exile   Favoriting Astral Glamour  1:03:26 (Pop-up)
Circus Maximus  Wind   Favoriting Circus Maximus with Jerry Jeff Walker  1:06:50 (Pop-up)
Richard Crandell  Double Dose   Favoriting Mbira Magic  1:15:05 (Pop-up)
Medicine  She Knows Everything   Favoriting The Buried Life  1:26:59 (Pop-up)
Brown Whornet  Danse Raja   Favoriting Brown Whornet  1:32:18 (Pop-up)
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti  Strange Fires   Favoriting The Doldrums  1:36:19 (Pop-up)
Deep Time  Bermuda Triangle   Favoriting Deep Time  1:40:07 (Pop-up)
Korekyojin  Four Holes in the Sky   Favoriting Korekyojin  1:43:59 (Pop-up)
Erkin Koray  Karli Daglar   Favoriting Electronik Turkuler  1:54:02 (Pop-up)
The Mothers  Peaches en Regalia   Favoriting Fillmore East, June 1971  1:57:56 (Pop-up)
Patrice Sciortino  Dieu Gange   Favoriting Chronoradial  2:01:09 (Pop-up)
Flo and Eddie  Feel Older Now   Favoriting The Phlorescent Leech and Eddie  2:03:09 (Pop-up)
The Names  It's a Miracle   Favoriting V/A: Buttons: From Champaign to Chicago  2:07:38 (Pop-up)
The Instruments  Lullaby   Favoriting Billions of Phonographs  2:11:44 (Pop-up)
Glenn Kotche  Projections of (What) Might...   Favoriting Mobile  2:22:30 (Pop-up)
Günter Schickert  In der Zeit   Favoriting Überfällig  2:27:09 (Pop-up)
Crepuscular Music  Two   Favoriting Crepuscular Music  2:32:21 (Pop-up)
Brethren of the Free Spirit  The Wolf Also Shall Dwell with the Lamb   Favoriting The Wolf Also Shall Dwell with the Lamb  2:36:42 (Pop-up)
Paul Elwood  Old Joe Clark   Favoriting Stanley Kubrick's Mountain Home  2:49:28 (Pop-up)
Harris Eisenstadt  Ballad for 10.6.7   Favoriting Canada Day Octet  2:56:26 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:01pm
Dave M.:

Evening, everyone.

same to you buddy!
cubicle carl:

Evening, David. Hope the storm didn't make your trip to the station miserable. Did you drive or fly tonight?

Electron beam transporter?
Avatar 9:11pm
Dave M.:

@cc: I got here hours ago, and it was all blue skies. It's still pretty clear here in Jersey City, I think, but I don't know about later...

Man, this is pretty. I'm playing two streams out of sync, like a Zaireeka-style round. Me & the Missus are enchanted.

I watched the storm roll in from my 5th floor roof in Park Slope.
Some awesome lightning, but I failed to get any shots.
This was another one of those 'derecho' storms, like what we had last Thursday night.
Christopher in Chinatown:

I believe the kora is actually west African in origin, not Japanese.

Love this set!
Avatar 9:31pm
Dave M.:

You're absolutely right--it's African. I don't even have to check the Wikipedia entry. I was probably thinking of koto, which is completely different.
Avatar 9:31pm
Dave M.:

And thanks, btw.
Avatar 9:32pm
Dave M.:

Uh-oh. Park Slope is pretty close to where I live. Trouble ahead.
Christopher in Chinatown:

As you said on the air, I'm always surprised by how much weirder Lindsey Buckingham gets in his solo work... His 1984 album Go Insane is, well, pretty much that.
Avatar 9:34pm
Dave M.:

@CIC: True. It took me a while to give his solo stuff a fair listen, but he gets pretty out there at times.
Christopher in Chinatown:

to be perfectly honest I'm still working my way through Go Insane. I don't find it as approachable as Law & Order.
Close Listener:

Skip Spence! Oar! The seeds of insanity!
listener mark:

Hi Dave
Just checked with weather dot com radar. The leading edge has passed. The trailing mass of clouds are passing The Jersey City now. Then it is clear all the way to Pittsburgh.
Avatar 10:04pm
Dave M.:

Thanks. So I think I'm safe. I'm getting reports from friends in Brooklyn who got soaked, but I think I've lucked out.
listener mark:

And thanks for nick drake

If you're Skip Spence you really do need a pistol in your belt... don't want to wake up dead.

Awesome, Richard Crandell, he is from my home here in the Willamette Valley, Oregon.
cubicle carl:

We're actually starting to sound like a bunch of old ladies worrying about the weather. No offense to any old ladies who might be listening.

Yes, yes, great to hear the Circus Maximus. Thanks!!

wasn't OAR recorded in Nashville?
Avatar 10:30pm
Dave M.:

@Mark: You're welcome.
@ScottC: Yes, Nashville, though he'd played with a bunch of SF bands before that (Moby Grape, Quicksilver, Airplane)

Going to bed now (mid-Medicine), but I'm gonna be back on the archive. This is a world I wanna live in. Re:weather, remember, you're not made of sugar. Unless, of course, you are. . . .
Avatar 10:35pm
Dave M.:

i usually don't care about the weather. Never listen to weather reports. It's just that tonight people were talking like the world was going to end. And I've got all these CDs and my laptop with me...

Thanks Dave.
cubicle carl:

CD's are fairly waterproof. Laptop...

Dave, cheers for playing something from Skip
Spence's Oar, an extremely interesting album that not very many people have ever even heard of. I'll always have a particular reverence for Skip Spence because he was an original member of my favorite 60s band, the Jefferson Airplane.
Avatar 10:44pm
Dave M.:

@PB: You're welcome. I was also a big Airplane fan, and that's how I know about Spence. I wasn't aware of Oar till many years later, though. It didn't exactly get heavy airplay when it came out.
listener mark:

Strue it. So, I'll stick to the weather. Heather has the sports desk and Jessica Savitch with news at the top of the hour.
Avatar 11:09pm

what a weird show you got goin' on. But, what else is new?
Avatar 11:11pm
Dave M.:

Ha. What's up, FXO?
Avatar 11:14pm

yer blowin' my mind. Now I must go to sleep, so that I can be up at 5:30AM, on the web.
Avatar 11:23pm
Dave M.:

I'll be listening. See you then, Frank.

Crepuscular - animals are those that are active primarily during twilight, that is during dawn and dusk.

Though I would save you the need to explain.

Divided into the Vespertine and Matutinal. (no I did not look that up)
Avatar 11:43pm
Dave M.:

Thanks, Steve. (I did know that.)
@ADM: I didn't know that.

I am an huge Medicine fan (shoegaze in general) and had no idea Brad was involved with LAFMS. The new Medicine reissues sound much better than my cherished MiniDisc (!!) copies.

Buckingham is a woefully underrated musician, he's largely responsible for the immaculate production and performances on most the instruments on his solo albums. Albums with as much breadth as his have little commercial potential. The moodiness and general absence of boom-chick-boom-chick drums also help keep him off the radio.
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