The blog Oro ( has been sharing the amazing Beninoise funk over the years. Not sure how active the links are in the archives, but it's worth investigating. One of the BEST blogs ever.
'been listening in the shower.(i hope my neighbors like it!) And Jeff i think i've heard your program only once before "live" ;(& even now i must leave before long...)but i'm sure i've yet to tell you that the marathon premium is Excellent!
And now for something completely different: Jeff Golick has a second show on the Drummer Stream that airs Wednesdays mornings, 9-10am. Tune in and get ExtraJeffed™!
Jeff J yeah,i guess that goes on my "some day" list.
Doug i may have a cassette! I cannot look now,but i do have a few wfmu cassettes. I know i have "children of the corn"...& "roots of chicha"-was that yours?
i must've won that one on fmu,then.
i remember writing "thanks to...",as is my habit,in my list of albums.
Santos L Halper:
@ Brian UK: SP? JB flick well worth seeing IMO, if only for the recreation of a chunk of the Paris show from Love Power Peace CD. Great lead performance. Takes liberties, but that's Hollywood.
Santos L Halper SP Starting Price (What's it worth in the vernacular) Thanks.
The lead got good reviews'
Last week was possibly the best week for films this year over here. Hunger Games do not apply.
The UK release on Freedom called Reflections is a Hemphill session from 1975 featuring Hemphill, Black Arthur Blythe, Abdul Wadud, Barry Altschul, Daniel Ben Zebulon and "Maniet Bluiett." Tacked on to the end of the disc is "The Hard Blues" from the '72 session that produced Dogon A.D.
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Listener comments!
holland oats:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff J:
Hey Duke - We'll be talking Turkey on this show (or not really).
Hi ya Doug!
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
Artie Haywire:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Also: hello.
the Canterbury wood-elf:
Jeff Golick:
pacific standard simon:
Jeff Golick:
pacific standard simon:
Jeff Golick:
Or one of these:
pacific standard simon:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
pacific standard simon:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff J:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Jeff Golick:
Brian in UK:
Jeff Golick:
Welcome, Brian.
Jeff Golick:
Santos L Halper:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Same crazyass batshit jazz time. Same crazyass batshit jazz channel.
Jeff Golick:
Jeff J:
Santos L Halper:
Doug Schulkind:
And now for something completely different: Jeff Golick has a second show on the Drummer Stream that airs Wednesdays mornings, 9-10am. Tune in and get ExtraJeffed™!
Jeff J:
pacific standard simon:
Santos L Halper:
Jeff J:
Doug Schulkind:
I did my first WFMU marathon premium in 1988. My first 10, at least, were all on cassette.
Jeff Golick:
Doug i may have a cassette! I cannot look now,but i do have a few wfmu cassettes. I know i have "children of the corn"...& "roots of chicha"-was that yours?
Doug Schulkind:
Brian in UK:
i remember writing "thanks to...",as is my habit,in my list of albums.
Santos L Halper:
Brilliant program Jeff -Thank you!
Jeff Golick:
The movie I'm curious about/scared of is the Miles biopic.
Brian in UK:
The lead got good reviews'
Last week was possibly the best week for films this year over here. Hunger Games do not apply.
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick:
Doug Schulkind:
Santos L Halper:
Doug Schulkind:
Jeff Golick: