Favoriting World of Echo with Dave Mandl: Playlist from December 28, 2014 Favoriting

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Favoriting December 28, 2014

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Sandy Dillon & Hector Zazou  Her Eyes Are a Blue Million Miles   Favoriting 12 (Las Vegas Is Cursed)  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Robert Wyatt (with Bjork)  Submarine   Favoriting Different Every Time  0:04:34 (Pop-up)
Greg Malcolm  Life on Its Way   Favoriting Leather and Lacy  0:07:49 (Pop-up)
Bourbonese Qualk  Post Crash High   Favoriting Unpop  0:13:20 (Pop-up)
Francis Bebey  Binta madiallo   Favoriting Psychedelic Sanza 1982-1984  0:17:59 (Pop-up)
United Waters  Turn on Your Century   Favoriting Sunburner  0:32:44 (Pop-up)
Guy Klucevsek  My Right Foot, on the Other Hand   Favoriting Transylvanian Softwear  0:36:38 (Pop-up)
Fursaxa  Kokopelli   Favoriting Kobold Moon  0:39:18 (Pop-up)
DJ Female Convict Scorpion  Secta Nefaria   Favoriting INRI  0:44:00 (Pop-up)
Solaris  The Hour of the Wolf   Favoriting The Waves of the Evernow  0:54:20 (Pop-up)
Maldoror  Baby Powder on Peach Fuzz   Favoriting She  1:00:04 (Pop-up)
Thomas DiMuzio  Baste   Favoriting Mono::Poly  1:02:38 (Pop-up)
Michel Magne  Concertino Triple Movement 1   Favoriting Le Monde Experimental de Michel Magne  1:07:11 (Pop-up)
James Kochalka Superstar  Overture to Carrot Boy   Favoriting Carrot Boy the Beautiful  1:14:28 (Pop-up)
Allen Ravenstine & Robert Wheeler  Spark Test   Favoriting City Desk  1:23:08 (Pop-up)
Machinedrum  Safed   Favoriting Vapor City Archives  1:28:23 (Pop-up)
Erik Hove Chamber Ensemble  Ascending   Favoriting Saturated Colour  1:33:37 (Pop-up)
Mat Maneri & Denman Maroney  Brace   Favoriting Distich  1:41:34 (Pop-up)
Paul Bowles  Sonata for Oboe and Clarinet   Favoriting Sonata for Oboe and Clarinet etc.  1:46:52 (Pop-up)
The Mamas and the Papas  Somebody Groovy   Favoriting If You Can Believe Your Eyes and Ears  1:59:48 (Pop-up)
Mike Cooper  Three Forty-Eight   Favoriting Places I Know  2:06:27 (Pop-up)
Sun Papa & the Fan Club Orchestra  Licenciée en Tarot   Favoriting Josée Andrei, an Insane Portrait OST  2:06:20 (Pop-up)
Dirty Projectors  Swing Lo Magellan   Favoriting Swing Lo Magellan  2:10:36 (Pop-up)
Jabula  Thunder into Our Hearts   Favoriting V/A: Spirit of Malombo: Malombo Jazz Makers, Jabula, and Jazz Afrika 1966-1984  2:13:14 (Pop-up)
Orchestra of the Upper Atmosphere  Modus   Favoriting 02  2:21:52 (Pop-up)
Loscil  Bleeding Ink   Favoriting Sea Island  2:36:37 (Pop-up)
Alexandr Vatagin  Stadions   Favoriting Shards  2:43:01 (Pop-up)
Christian Bouchard  Parcelles 1, pts. 1 and 2   Favoriting Fractures  2:47:02 (Pop-up)
Alan Sparhawk  [track 7]   Favoriting Solo Guitar  2:58:25 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 9:01pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening, gentlefolks.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:06pm
Ken From Hyde Park:

What's the over/under for the number of Daves tonight? I'm going to guess four.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:07pm
pacific standard simon:

'Allo, 'allo, O great one. The show begins well.

Hiya Dave.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:09pm
Dave-olution Rabbit:

Army of Dave ! The enemy of Dave's enemy is our friend! Kick out the Sams! By any memes necessary! Dave is Here!

Happy hello!
Avatar 9:10pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening Ken, pss, Carmichael, Dave-Rabbit, Jake.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15pm

Seasons Greetings Dave & evening ,,, digging the show !
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:15pm
pacific standard simon:

Typing with a cat on your lap aint easy.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:16pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

This special on Robert Wyatt was as charming as you'd expect:
- from the BBC Radio4 series I mention often:
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:17pm

Season's greetings from out Illinois way. Sounding good tonight!
Avatar 9:18pm
Dave Mandl:

Howdy, Tome, redkayak. And thanks, all.

sounds like it might be time for that henry kaiser aloha gamera cut, something with the word jynx in it or blues? everything i'm hearing here is making me think of it.
Avatar 9:19pm
Dave Mandl:

@ashestoashes: Good call. Not sure if I'm fast enough to run out to the library and dig for it, though.
Avatar 9:26pm

Loved that Francis Bebey track. I need to check him out!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:28pm
pacific standard simon:

A Robert Wyatt biography should be titled "Why Am I So Short?", after his Soft Machine song.
  Swag For Life Member 9:33pm

"Domino are proud to release ‘Different Every Time’, a new compilation album of the works of Robert Wyatt...acting as a companion to O’Dair’s new biography , also titled ‘Different Every Time’ (released by Serpent’s Tail on the 30th of October)."
Avatar 9:35pm
Dave Mandl:

@12539: Bingo. Thanks.

that's ms. mosh to you, mr. dave.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:35pm
pacific standard simon:

This IS very odd -- reminds me of the first time I heard The Residents.
Avatar 9:35pm
Dave Mandl:

@pss: There was a bio of him published in the '90s, I think. "Wrong Movements"?
Avatar 9:36pm

United Waters this is nice.
Avatar 9:37pm

hi Dave. you werent kidding... this is some kinda puzzle
Avatar 9:38pm
Dave Mandl:

@steve: Yeah, really bizarre.
Prog Police:

Sounds like a Tascam 4-track cassette bootlegged to vinyl. Which is to say, it's the aural equivalent of chocolate and cayenne pepper: shouldn't work but is delicious.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:39pm
pacific standard simon:

Out of print, Dave, and going for a pretty penny at Amazon.
Avatar 9:40pm
Dave Mandl:

@pss: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Avatar 9:41pm
Dave Mandl:

@Prog: Ha.

all i know is that if united waters played my gymnasium with their gymnasium sound when i was at my seventh or eight grade dances in the early seventies i might have danced more. or something.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:44pm
pacific standard simon:

One review says that Wrong Movements included a CD with the book.
Avatar 9:44pm
Dave Mandl:

@pss: Hmmm, did I forget to take it out 20 years ago? I need to check.
Avatar 9:47pm
Dave Mandl:

What do those hearts next to some of the posts mean? I never figured that out.

Dave, it means we pledged to WFMU. Duh.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:48pm
pacific standard simon:

I bought a book of paintings by Jon Langford at a used book store and was surprised to find that the CD was still in it, concealed by a back cover flap. I strongly suspect that neither the original owner or the store (based on the price) even knew it was there.
Avatar 9:50pm

I'm nailed right in.

its the initials on the banner on the crucifix. forget what it means.

Iēsus Nazarēnus, Rēx Iūdaeōrum: represents the Latin inscription which in English reads as "Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:51pm
pacific standard simon:

You beat me to it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

It's the egalitarian shaming system Dave. ♡
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:52pm
pacific standard simon:

Roman sarcasm!

mugsy, were you referencing inri when you said that you're nailed right in?"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:53pm
pacific standard simon:

It's a soft shaming system, though, since you can turn off the heart on youruser page.
Avatar 9:54pm

Avatar 9:54pm

haha nice one Mugsy

stigmata should be treated like all wounds, use direct pressure and keep it above you're heart.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:56pm
pacific standard simon:

What if your stigmata IS a bleeding heart?
Avatar 9:57pm
Dave Mandl:

@Mugsy: Ha.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

Yes - the more you Donate - the more the ♡ becomes a flaming of ♡ Christ w/ thorns & stuff like a really bitchin' tattoo...

well, that depends on what kind of health insurance you have.
Avatar 9:59pm
Dave Mandl:

I get the feeling someone's pulling my leg.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:59pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

(...*♡ of)...

♥ Means you care.™
Avatar 10:05pm
Dave Mandl:

@ashestoashes: Thanks. I'm afraid my knowledge of Judeo-Christian history is all Judeo.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:06pm
pacific standard simon:

Mugsy and ashestoashes hate WFMU! ;)

Mugsy and ashestoashes clearly need to be taught a lesson.
Avatar 10:07pm
Dave Mandl:

Great--mob justice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:08pm
pacific standard simon:

It's going to go all "Lord of the Flies" around here any minute.
Avatar 10:09pm
Dave Mandl:

No, we need to prove that people are wrong about the WFMU community.
Lonely Planet Boy:

but I love WFMU, and heart doesn't appear. Think it's 'cause I have monthly payments.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:10pm
pacific standard simon:

Naw, I do monthly payments too. But my "heart" means that I love station-branded loot!

Yeah, but Dave… The only way to signal loyalty to others is to wear different logos, numbers and icons on your clothing. It’s the only way to know for sure.

Avatar 10:12pm
Dave Mandl:

I think it means you eat a healthy diet. But that would rule me out.

What is the icon for Psyllium Husks?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:14pm
pacific standard simon:

I'm eating vegetarian right now -- the beef is grass-fed.

“I'm eating vegetarian right now…” With a side of Fava beans and a nice Cianti?

I just assumed every good boy got the INRI reference. I was raised in Ireland, after all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17pm
pacific standard simon:

No, I gave up eating FMU DJs for Lent.
Avatar 10:20pm

Listen Judge Sotomayor I can have a heart on any time I want.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:22pm

i wear my heart on my sleeve not on my posts.
Avatar 10:25pm

Just not feeling UP to it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27pm
pacific standard simon:

In Re whatever.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:27pm

love this allen ravenstine and again reminds me of a long ago white noise, electric storm in hell. anyone remember that?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:31pm
pacific standard simon:

Was that a Nonesuch label record? The public library, when I was a teenager, had tons of their electronic music releases.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:32pm

island records
Avatar 10:33pm

That United Waters record is on Spotify, looking forward to hearing it in it's entirety.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:55pm

Just beheld the Dyker Heights Xmas lights for the 1st time. My brain, it done been exploded.
Avatar 10:56pm

And is the greatest source of music in the world.

Hi Dave, Did u ever do a live show at the former state prison of new mexico? when kunm was real?
best, joe
Avatar 11:01pm
Dave Mandl:

Not that I can recall, no.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:02pm
pacific standard simon:

I've been reading about the amazing light show we can look forward to when our galaxy collides with Andromeda. Sadly, every atom of our bodies will already have been consumed by the nuclear fires of our expanding sun, by then.
Avatar 11:03pm
Dave Mandl:

@pss: A small price to pay.

Ike, been there and done that. The Dyker Heights display is a very “family” oriented affair. Did you see the massive Santa on the stairs?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:05pm
pacific standard simon:

I like those old Mamas and Papas tracks, BTW.

must be just a voice thing. thanks for being there. great to share your last show of 2014...
Avatar 11:08pm
Dave Mandl:

@joe: My pleasure.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:10pm

Yeah Jake, sure did. We really liked the merry-go-rounds too. Next door to that, there's a great, steep rock garden, not lit up nor part of the Xmas chaos, just a very cool bit of landscaping.

Actually didn’t go this year even though I am a short hike away from them. Any guys out there with jugs collecting for “charity?”
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17pm

Holy cow, nope! Didn't see that.

Well, maybe they cut back on that aspect, but there’s a reason those folks who own those houses have so much disposable income. Nuff said. Excelsior!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:22pm
pacific standard simon:

Face front, true believer!

Yup, “front” is an appropriate word. Anyway, I do like those lights. But gotta be realistic about how they come about.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:26pm
pacific standard simon:

Dese guyz been listening to some Miles.

I think they smoke funny cigarettes as well.

Thanks, Dave, for all the great music and dj'd shows you played in 2014.
Here's to the new year.
Avatar 11:51pm

Enjoyed the show Dave, have a good week.
Avatar 11:51pm
Dave Mandl:

@trjsh: Thanks!
Avatar 11:52pm
Dave Mandl:

A very happy new year to everyone. I really appreciate you being here and being so supportive all year.

Great show tonight! See you next year! Ha! Said it.
  Swag For Life Member 11:57pm

Thank *you*, Dave.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:58pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

- appreciate having this 'place' so much.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm
pacific standard simon:

60 hz hum mani padme om
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