Favoriting World of Echo with Dave Mandl: Playlist from April 3, 2016 Favoriting

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Favoriting April 3, 2016

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Dos  The Fisherman & His Wife   Favoriting Dos  0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Newband  Two Studies on Ancient Greek Scales (Harry Partch)   Favoriting Play Microtonal Works by...  0:05:28 (Pop-up)
Laurence Vanay  Les Soleils de la Vie   Favoriting Les Soleils de la Vie  0:09:39 (Pop-up)
Le Orme  Contrappunti   Favoriting Contrappunti  0:14:38 (Pop-up)
Pram  Loredo Venus   Favoriting The Stars Are So Big, the Earth Is So Small...Stay as You Are  0:29:50 (Pop-up)
Henry Threadgill's Zooid  Tickled Pink   Favoriting Up Popped the Two Lips  0:34:34 (Pop-up)
Gigi Masin/Alessandro Monti/Alessandro Pizzin  She Wears Shades   Favoriting The Wind Collector/As Witness Our Hands  0:41:32 (Pop-up)
Dennis Young  Project Ozma   Favoriting Wave  0:44:51 (Pop-up)
Fennesz Sakamoto  Cendre   Favoriting Cendre  0:51:35 (Pop-up)
Hox  It's Too Much   Favoriting Duke of York  1:01:52 (Pop-up)
Colin Newman  S-S-S-Star Eyes   Favoriting A-Z  1:05:33 (Pop-up)
Andrew Liles/Groundhogs  Split - Six   Favoriting Split/Up  1:08:57 (Pop-up)
Nick Carter  Prayer to Saint Peter   Favoriting Abstracts and Extracts  1:18:03 (Pop-up)
Mongezi Feza  Group Notes I   Favoriting Free Jam  1:26:36 (Pop-up)
Falter Bramnk  Chromatic Target   Favoriting Vagal  1:40:41 (Pop-up)
Luc Ferrari  The Red Shoes   Favoriting Les Anecdotiques  1:44:07 (Pop-up)
To Rococo Rot  I Am in the World with You   Favoriting The Amateur View  1:47:10 (Pop-up)
Inutili  Sprites   Favoriting Elves, Red Sprites, Blue Jets  1:50:20 (Pop-up)
Deux Filles  Mata Laya Pata   Favoriting Space & Time  1:56:25 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar 10:01pm
Dave Mandl:

Bon soir, mes amis.
Avatar 10:04pm
Howard F:

Hey Dave Mandl, cool choice for an opener!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:05pm
Revolution Rabbit Nov63:

...so is this - bassically what this show's gonna be?...
Avatar 10:06pm
Dave Mandl:

No, that was bassically it.
Avatar 10:06pm
Dave Mandl:

@Howard: Yeah, been meaning to play that record forever. I like it as an opener.

Heya Dave. A little sturm and drang to lighten things up?

Evening, airybuddy.

Mike says this sounds like Camel. Hi!
Avatar 10:17pm
Dave Mandl:

Hey Carmichael, greyhoos, PMD.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:17pm

howdy Dave and all
Avatar 10:18pm
Dave Mandl:

@PMD: Yeah, I guess I can see that. Heavy mid-'70s prog.
Avatar 10:18pm
Dave Mandl:

Howdy, coelacanth.

Evening, Dave! I saw the Newband at Rhode Island College years ago. The concert had such a low turn out that they let the audience onstage during the lecture part of the show. Quite a memorable concert.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:29pm
Andrew Waterloo:

It will be good to hear from Kurt.
Avatar 10:31pm
Dave Mandl:

@Andrew: Yes indeed.
Avatar 10:31pm
Dave Mandl:

@JoeRay: Wow. Sorry about the low turnout, but that must have been an exciting experience.

Avatar 10:35pm
Dave Mandl:

Hey, Jake.

From Partch to Threadgill. And this is why I tune in. Thanks, Dave.
Avatar 10:44pm
Dave Mandl:

@greyhoos: I usually just go eenie-meenie-meinie-moe.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:51pm
Marcel M:

Avatar 10:52pm
Dave Mandl:

Evening, Marcel.
chong in china:

gigi masin cd have good orange cover
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:53pm
Marcel M:

I saw Fennesz and Sakamoto perform at the Winter Garden, I believe on the tour for this record. Great track.
Avatar 10:54pm
Dave Mandl:

@chong: Good to know.
chong in china:

it is a good package to get hands all over? is it jewel case?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:54pm
pacific standard simon:

Have we come up with a socially acceptable replacement for the word that used to appear in the next line to that "eenie-meenie-meinie-moe" rhyme, yet?
chong in china:

ha..oh dear..had to be Simon to mention the rude conclusion to eerie meanie. Sometimes best to stay quiet i think haha
RB 1:

Sunday nights listening to Dave Mandl is a family tradition now. Deep gratitude Dave.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:03pm
pacific standard simon:

Had to be?
Avatar 11:04pm
Dave Mandl:

@RB1: Thanks, happy to hear it.
Avatar 11:05pm
Dave Mandl:

@chong: No, pss is always a perfect gentleman.
mark Flynnn:

Lost track of time and am just tuning in. Got distracted going old school and listening to Suicide's 1st album which I hadn't checked into for, well, forever. It's solid.
chong in china:

no need for that rolling stone review then
mark Flynnn:

I thought it was Wire. Solo or Wire, Colin is a genius
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:08pm
pacific standard simon:

And an intellectual, to boot! Chances are I'll be Googling for an answer within the hour.

@Dave - the marathon reminded me of how much I enjoyed your premium from last year. Treasured bathroom reading!
mark Flynnn:

I love Dead Air. It creates so much creative tension
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:12pm
pacific standard simon:

Much less than an hour -- en.wikipedia.org...
Avatar 11:13pm
Dave Mandl:

@pss: Aw, thanks. It was kind of a bold/risky move. I hope people liked it.
Avatar 11:13pm
Dave Mandl:

@mark: Agreed about Colin. Very talented, and what a lovely voice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:13pm
Marcel M:

Wow... I just looked up what this record is all about. How cool. Sounds amazing.
Avatar 11:14pm
Fox (Rā-chul):

This is great!

Way cool
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:17pm

simon, i didn't click that yet, but i never heard anything beside "catch a tiger by the toe" until i was well into my thirties. (is that offensive?)
...chong, i think there's NEVER any need for a rolling stoned review.
mark Flynnn:

@dave. Nice to have you in the Colin Newman camp. When he guided the band to the electronic realm he was castigated by Pink Flag fans. 1984 shouldn't be 1978 redo. He is one member of a brilliant band.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:20pm

(actually i think i've only heard an offensive version once. i called the person an asshole.)
Avatar 11:21pm
Dave Mandl:

@mark: He's also married to Malka Spiegel of Minimal Contact. That probably exerted some influence in that direction.
Avatar 11:22pm
Dave Mandl:

Also, punk fans can be reeeeeeealy conservative.
mark Flynnn:

Did not know. Thanks for that insight.

I had know idea Back Street Boys Nick Carter had an alternate musical life
mark Flynnn:

I should probably say I'm joking.
chong in china:

no s***
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:29pm

whew! the theme music from twilight zone was swirling around me for a minute.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:33pm
pacific standard simon:

@coelacanth - never heard anything BUT the offensive version when I was a kid (a long time ago, to be sure). Can't remember when I last heard anything past the first line, but "tiger" doesn't ring any bells for me at all.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:34pm
Andrew Waterloo:

I loved the interview with Johnny Rotten where they're trying ask him about punk and he just keeps saying.. there's no punk.. just a bunch of blokes with something to say.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:37pm
pacific standard simon:

I have the San Andreas Deer Cam running in the background, which adds something special to the WFMU stream.
mark Flynnn:

@andrew. Lydon was nothing short of insightful as well as opinionated.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:43pm

if they made one with a flying reign deer i might watch it.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44pm

(but only if they ACTUALLY mounted a camera on an ACTUAL flying reign deer.)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:44pm
Andrew Waterloo:

I haven't checked out the local falcon cam lately
mark Flynnn:

Albert Alyer is intriguing. He's one of the few musicians in the free form style whose records capture the moment. Most of his contemporaries recordings are unsatisfying because you feel like the recording is a document of an event you wish you could have experienced and are only getting a taste of.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49pm

i watched the eagles in the white house yard just to glimpse the younguns; but i don't want to be watching if something terrible happens to them. (even though eagles are generally assholes)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:49pm

falcons are considerably nobler.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50pm
pacific standard simon:

Something terrible is always happening on San Andreas Deer Cam.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:50pm
Andrew Waterloo:

@coelacanth: there's a series of videos on Youtube of a group of Eagles hanging out on a lady's porch with her cats, and a group of foxes.
mark Flynnn:

This Rococo track is a gem.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:52pm

that sounds interesting. without having seen it, i wonder if the eagles AND the foxes are just waiting for their opportunity!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:54pm
Andrew Waterloo:

mark Flynnn:

Gotta say you seem to be on quite an inspirational groove tonight.
Avatar 11:58pm
Dave Mandl:

@mark: Thanks.
Jackson Montgomery:

Yo Dave. Word from WWVU. Killer set. I do a similar show on Friday nights.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm

Andrew -i was already watching a different one (same porch) that's crazy! the eagles definitely want to snag that food, but they couldn't do it from a landed position.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 11:59pm

Thanks Dave!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:00am

that lady's certainly going to lose a cat or 2 though, unfortunately.
(or 3)
Avatar 12:01am
Dave Mandl:

Night all. Have a great week.
Listener Robert:

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