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The program formerly known as Dinner at Andy's, The Fuzzy Glove Hour, Whores, and The Happiness Hut. Ken and Andy, also known as The Enema Boys, further lower WFMU's already abysmal standards on a weekly basis. Stunt radio which subjects the radio audience to concepts and topics which mature adults should not have to endure. Find the fatal flaw. (Visit homepage.)
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July 27, 2016: The Great Seven Second Delay Soundboard Experiment, 2016 Edition
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Artist | Track | Approx. start time |
Robot Ken and Robot Andy |
Seven Second Delay
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0:00:00 (Pop-up) |
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Listener comments!
el BO-Bo:
Aaron in Minneapolis:
el BO-Bo:
Chris M.:
Aaron in Minneapolis:
Zach from Michigan:
I called in and got through but didn't hear ken and andy at all. Heard the Buzzz meaning i'm on the air but didn't hear anything from ken or andy. listened back and they spoke on radio but not on phone
Nick the Bard:
Webhamster Henry:
Marcel M:
Zach from Michigan:
Dave Z.:
Nick the Bard:
Marcel M:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Nick the Bard:
Marcel M:
Marcel M:
Webhamster Henry:
Zach from Michigan:
Zach from Michigan:
Marcel M:
Marcel M:
Marcel M:
Zach from Michigan:
f0f0 (:
Long time listener, first time commenter!
fatal flaw #1: Web delay. Conhtroller press soundbites buttons but cant hear soundbites coming off the radio.
Fatal flaw no. 2: I forgot. I'm falling asleep.
Zach from Michigan:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Dave Z.:
Zach from Michigan:
f0f0 (:
f0f0 (:
Zach from Michigan:
Ken From Hyde Park:
f0f0 (:
I was in #1 two times in a row
Private Presley:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Chris M.:
wakka wakka socks:
Private Presley:
el BO-Bo:
Ken From Hyde Park:
Ken From Hyde Park:
f0f0 (:
I predict this show is going to be rerun on the year 2092 during the Trump Wars years
f0f0 (:
Marcel M:
Ken From Hyde Park:
f0f0 (:
Zach from Michigan:
el BO-Bo:
f0f0 (:
I'm glad I was there. I still remember when I first listened to it.
Ken From Hyde Park:
wakka wakka socks: