Favoriting Hinky Dinky Time with Uncle Michael: Playlist from January 6, 2017 Favoriting

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Turning over the toy box and jamming together the gloriously mismatched musical Lincoln Logs, Legos and Tinker Toys from Tin Pan Alley pluggers, pickled egg tavern weepers, lockstep soul ensembles, skinny-tie power poppers, Eurotrash ravers, moontanned art school rockers, drunken soccer anthems and anything else that seems like a good idea at the time. There are no guilty pleasures.

Friday Noon - 3pm (EDT) | On WFMU's Give the Drummer Radio
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Favoriting January 6, 2017: SPECIAL (first annual all listener-request show): Don't blame me.

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It's just after midnight in Krakatoa.

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Artist Track Album Approx. start time
Uncle Michael  Hinky Dinky Time Open   Favoriting   0:00:00 (Pop-up)
Harry Nilsson  Snow   Favoriting requested by Funky16Corners  0:03:00 (Pop-up)
Rush  YYZ   Favoriting requested by Lizardner Dave  0:05:07 (Pop-up)
Richard & Linda Thompson  Withered and Died   Favoriting requested by doctorjazz  0:09:29 (Pop-up)
Roberto Paiva  Mulher Sempre Mulher   Favoriting requested by mauri  0:12:49 (Pop-up)
MC5  Baby Won't Ya   Favoriting requested by mike s.  0:14:42 (Pop-up)
Ramones  Durango 95   Favoriting requested by Spaceman One  0:23:52 (Pop-up)
Nevus Rex  The God Sheila   Favoriting requested by Scraps  0:25:05 (Pop-up)
The Normal  Warm Leatherette   Favoriting requested by Ken  0:28:53 (Pop-up)
The Band  Whispering Pines   Favoriting requested by hyde  0:32:12 (Pop-up)
Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes  Don't Leave Me This Way   Favoriting requested by listener james from westwood  0:36:02 (Pop-up)
Love  Alone Again Or   Favoriting requested by Brian in UK  0:39:51 (Pop-up)
Otis Redding  Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa   Favoriting requested by annie  0:46:08 (Pop-up)
Supertramp  Dreamer   Favoriting requested by Jeff Golick  0:49:01 (Pop-up)
10cc  Iceberg   Favoriting requested by V Priceless  0:52:33 (Pop-up)
Loving You Is On My Mind  The Meters   Favoriting requested by burke  0:56:12 (Pop-up)
801  Miss Shapiro/You Really Got Me   Favoriting requested by Parq  0:59:20 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Bobby Taylor and the Vancouvers 

Does Your Mama Know About Me   Favoriting

requested by chromaphone 

1:11:18 (Pop-up)
Bill Withers  Better Off Dead   Favoriting requested by βrian  1:14:05 (Pop-up)
The Flaming Lips  Talkin' 'Bout the Smiling Deathporn Immortality Blues (Everyone Wants to Live Forever   Favoriting requested by Brian in UK  1:16:12 (Pop-up)
Timmy Thomas  Why Can't We Live Together   Favoriting requested by still b/p  1:19:53 (Pop-up)
Jerry Garcia  The Wheel   Favoriting requested by Little Danny  1:23:19 (Pop-up)
Tom Waits  Ice Cream Man   Favoriting requested by melinda  1:27:14 (Pop-up)
The Boxmasters  The Last Place They Would Look   Favoriting requested by Lewis  1:35:59 (Pop-up)
Mercury Rev  Everlasting Arm   Favoriting requested by speedoman  1:41:09 (Pop-up)
Hot Chocolate  Emma   Favoriting requested by Matt in Nebraska  1:45:56 (Pop-up)
Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band  Sure 'Nuff 'n Yes I Do   Favoriting requested by KevinfromBayRidge  1:49:42 (Pop-up)
13th Floor Elevators  Postures (Leave Your Body Behind)   Favoriting requested by coelacanth  1:51:49 (Pop-up)
Iggy Pop  I'm Bored   Favoriting requested by JP from KC  1:58:01 (Pop-up)
Sonny & the Susets  Moods   Favoriting requested by holland oats  2:06:36 (Pop-up)
Robyn Hitchcock  Eaten By Her Own Dinner   Favoriting requested by Rich in Washington  2:08:39 (Pop-up)
Primus  Shake Hands With Beef   Favoriting requested by rf  2:12:58 (Pop-up)
Alice Cooper  Still No Air   Favoriting requested by V Priceless  2:16:56 (Pop-up)
Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds  Don't Pull Your Love   Favoriting requested by Jeff Golick  2:19:40 (Pop-up)
NRBQ  Designated Driver   Favoriting requested by Ronzoni  2:25:10 (Pop-up)
Davy Graham  Maajun   Favoriting requested by Ramblin' Ray  2:27:55 (Pop-up)
The Guess Who  Share The Land   Favoriting requested by Leonardo  2:30:27 (Pop-up)
Public Image Ltd.  Bags   Favoriting requested by Jeff Golick  2:34:13 (Pop-up)
David Johansen  Frenchette   Favoriting requested by doctorjazz  2:43:58 (Pop-up)
Peter Blegvad  Real Slap in the Face   Favoriting requested by Scraps  2:49:20 (Pop-up)
The Association  Barefoot Gentleman   Favoriting requested by V Priceless  2:53:05 (Pop-up)
Electricc Light Orchestra  Do Ya   Favoriting requested by doctorjazz  2:56:23 (Pop-up)

Music behind DJ:
Fleetwood Mac 

Albatross   Favoriting

requested by everyone 

3:00:04 (Pop-up)

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Listener comments!

Avatar Swag For Life Member 1/4 8:52pm
Uncle Michael:

Post a request. I'll play it. My present to all of you.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:00am

Snow by Nilsson (or Claudine Longet)??
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:02am
Lizardner Dave:

How about you break the rarely broken Rush barrier on WFMU? YYZ maybe?
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 8:05am

How about a really cheery tune, "Withered and Died" by Richard and Linda Thompson? (can we make more than 1 request?)
Avatar 8:06am

Roberto Paiva - Mulher, sempre mulher . From Orfeu da Conceicao. Some sunny bossa for the cold winters day.
mike s.:

Hey UM - longtime listener here. Do you think you could play "Baby Won't Ya" by the MC5? If not, any MC5 cut will do.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 8:17am

Do Ya by ELO would be another (if more than one are allowed...probably not a great idea, I may fill up the thread...)
Romance without Finance-Charlie Parker
(I'll stop for now)
Spaceman One:

Ramones, Durango 95
Avatar 8:29am

I'll request a few, because I don't know which ones you have; I know I only get one request played, if that! So, in order of preference:

"The God Sheila" by Nervus Rex

"Touch" by Lori and the Chameleons

"The Shape of Things to Come" by the Headboys

"Following Through" by the Dismemberment Plan

Warm leatherette. Original 45 by some Brit band whose name I forget. Spill the wine, take this girl.
Avatar 8:40am

how about Whispering Pines by The Band?
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 8:42am

1+ on The Band song.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 8:46am

Any Live Dead with a good mess up by Weir or Garcia (or both), love catching that stuff...
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 8:48am

How about Eric Anderson's "Blue River" (I have too much time on my hands, snow here slowing up the office).
Avatar 8:50am

@doctorjazz maybe he can play the Band song back to back with your Richard and Linda Thompson song for a super fun twofer!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:50am
Uncle Michael:

I'll get to people's second+ requests if I don't have enough first requests.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 8:53am

@Hyde-I'll get the box of tissues ready if he does.
Avatar 8:53am

More (more!):

Peter Blegvad, "Real Slap in the Face"

Golden Palominos, "Something Else Is Working Harder"

Game Theory, "Regenisraen"

Loud Family, "Jimmy Still Comes Around"
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Avatar 8:56am

My requesting hands need to be tied down.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 8:56am
Uncle Michael:

Clamp your hands and stab your feet!
Avatar 8:57am

Ken, "Warm Leatherette" was by The Normal. Grace Jones did an amazing cover, too.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 9:02am

How about Frenchette, David Johansen?
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 9:08am
listener james from westwood:

Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes, "Don't Leave Me This Way" or the Detroit Emeralds, "Feel the Need in Me"—whichever ya got. Thanks!
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 9:11am
Brian in UK:

Hello Uncle.
"Alone Again Or" by Love from Forever Changes
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 9:14am
listener james from westwood:

^^^^^^^ Hell yes to Love.
Avatar 9:32am

Fe fe fe by otis redding(?)
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 9:36am

Fafafa, and yeah yeah yeah!!!
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 9:42am
Jeff Golick:

I am in lurv with this idea.

I'd actually like to hear some Supertramp.
Maybe also something from PiL's Album/Cassette/CD - "Bags" or "FFF"
And a song I've had in my head since I heard it (and sang along to it) a few das ago in the aisles of my local Key Food supermarket, "Don't Pull Your Love."
Ramblin' Ray:

Maajun by Davy Graham
Avatar Swag For Life Member 9:58am
Uncle Michael:

Avatar 10:00am
V Priceless:

Happy New Year, Uncle M! Here's a few suggestions (I scaled it back!) - whatever you can grab first works for me! 10cc: Iceberg; The Association: Barefoot Gentleman; The Brooklyn Bridge: Minstrel Sunday; Procol Harum: Fires (Which Burnt Brightly); The Move: Walk Upon The Water; Kinks: Drivin'; Alice Cooper: Still No Air; Stranglers: Curfew
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 10:06am
Jeff Golick:

Aretha deep cuts always appreciated.
mike s.:

Speaking of Otis Redding it would be great to hear Nobody's fault but Mine or the killer live version of I Can't Turn You Loose from the Live In Europe album. Of course those would be second requests only.
Avatar 10:31am

"Loving You Is On My Mind" The Meters. Happy Friday.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 10:33am

How about On the Dark Side Of The Street (James Carr)?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:38am
Uncle Michael:

Doug says the show is almost full...but that's with multiple requests from folks. I only have 1st requests from 16 people. 1st requests will bump multiples...so if you haven't posted a request...DO.
Avatar 10:46am

Some obscure steel guitar track that I have never heard. I'll only be able to listen til 2:30 or so though :(
Avatar 10:46am

Anything by Bill Withers.
Avatar 10:48am

Ooh, gots any slack-key guitar?
Avatar 10:49am

How about something by Tommy Chong that wasn't done with Cheech. Did he record any music outside of C&C?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 10:50am

Requesting "Miss Shapiro/You Really Got Me" from 801 Live. If that's too long, then "Third Uncle" from the same album.
Avatar 10:51am

@ βrian@ yes!!! and also "Sir Duke"
Avatar 10:56am

Many great tracks by Bill Withers almost never get played because his famous stuff knocked out the less famous. Like "Better Off Dead", and the awesomely awesome "Use Me".
Avatar 11:04am
V Priceless:

nice one @ Parq
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 11:54am
Brian in UK:

Uncle as a second choice The Flaming Lips opening track from Hit to Death "Talkin' 'Bout the Smiling Deathporn Immortality Blues (Everyone Wants to Live Forever)"
Avatar 11:59am

My basic phone ring is the Flaming Lips "Free Radicals". Several times a day, it broadcasts Weird at me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:02pm
Doug Schulkind:

I request that you play whatever you wanna!
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:02pm
Webhamster Henry:

Hey Request takin' Uncle Michael ... how about playing the whole Hinky Dinky Super Mart commecial jingle?
Avatar 12:03pm

Krakatoa go boom!
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hunkering in for the request show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:03pm

< obligatory "east of Java" reference >
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Awesome leadoff
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:03pm
listener james from westwood:

Very excited!!
Avatar 12:04pm

me too!
Avatar 12:04pm

Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:04pm
Alex In Illinois:

Hi everyone. Thanks for sharing your ages at the previous show!
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:06pm
listener james from westwood:

A+ Rush pick!
Avatar 12:06pm

I specifically made sure that I got plenty of time to wake and settle down on my computer. Yes!
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:06pm
Webhamster Henry:

@chromophone and Cheech did a really funny kid's record where he's a school bus driver - we had the Spanish version. It's very lively and well produced!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm
Alex In Illinois:

The reason I am wondering is because I still find listener-supported-radio, including web-streams, to be my favorite medium. Meanwhile, it seems that college radio is not considered as big a deal as it was when I was in college.
Avatar 12:07pm
still b/p:

I hafta leave to do a thing soon....but I'll request --

timmy thomas: why can't we live together

(If slowwww mood works) John Coltrane & Johnny Hartman: They Say it's Wonderful

Duke Ellington: Caravan
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:07pm
Doug Schulkind:

Remember to pronounce it Peert, not Pert, Uncle Michael.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:07pm
Artie Haywire:

Oh boy.
Avatar 12:07pm

The Last Place they would look by BoxMasters
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08pm
Uncle Michael:

This is already a fun thing...but next time, it will be a twice-as-much-fun thing. Next time, you won't be able to see each others requests before you hear them.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:08pm
Lizardner Dave:

Well that's it, Freedman just fainted.
Avatar 12:08pm

I'm eh on Rush -- no hate, no love -- but this one I always interested in
Avatar 12:09pm

wow, awesome Webmaster. Thanks for the tip. I think the guitar in Earache My Eye is pretty sweet so makes me wonder what else he has done along those lines, if anything.
@UncleM: good idea.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Artie Haywire:

Always forget about the little "Scheherazade" section.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:09pm

Anyone suggested any Klattu? Just suggesting.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:09pm
Alex In Illinois:

.. excuse me, I mean when WE were college-aged.
Avatar 12:09pm
still b/p:

Someone I know says hearing the Rush drummer awakened him and I think incited him to take up drumming.
Avatar 12:10pm

@Uncle Michael: I like that adjustment in the rules!
Avatar 12:11pm

@Alex: I still listen to WCBN a fair bit.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:11pm
Little Danny:

Jerry Garcia's "The Wheel"!!!!
Avatar 12:11pm

Caravan, oh yeah. It's hard to screw that up
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:12pm
Brian in UK:

Scraps Tilbury Kecks?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:13pm
Little Danny:

Hearing Rush on FMU has gotta be one of the funniest moments of 2017
Avatar 12:14pm

Elvis Costello covered "Withered and Died". (Kinda a cliche for his to it, eh?) He also covered " The End of the Rainbow"
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:14pm
Alex In Illinois:

At first I liked Rush, before punk/wave/ska/newromantic/postpunk came along, and I fell into that "more wave-than-thou" faze. I remember not showing that I was impressed when Ted Epstein told me he had learned all of Neal Peart's parts. But, now I know, that was amazing. It was before he was 16.
Avatar 12:15pm
still b/p:

@ Scraps -- did you catch THIS?
Avatar 12:16pm

Just looked up Chong on Wikipedia and apparently one of his bands opened up for the Jackson 5 in the 60s.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:16pm

Tom Waits-Ice Cream Man
Avatar 12:17pm

I watched the Rush documentary on Netflix which was good, but I realized I really don't like most of their music very much. Moving Pictures is probably my favorite.
Avatar 12:17pm

@still b/p: Yes! A friend passed it on to me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:18pm

I've heard the Rush doc is good, too.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:22pm

Where's efd. He needs to share in the Rush love. [poke, poke]
Avatar 12:23pm
still b/p:

Uncle Michael, what is your search and retrieval method for this....a bit of everything, just whatever angle/source/media works, inside and outside your own boxes and files??
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:23pm

I'll second Little Danny, The Wheel by Garcia.
@still B/p, have to check out that show, looks great (today is too busy a radio day, though, great live stuff).
Listener Robert:

So let's see: You have your OWN vast record library in Topeka?
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25pm
Lizardner Dave:

The origin of my WFMU Friendship Society name is Rush-related. When the playlist chats first started people were calling themselves "Listener (name)" and also around that time Freedman went on an anti-Rush rant saying that anyone who liked the band was a reptile. There already was a "Listener Dave" so I picked "Lizardner" which has proven to be difficult for DJ's to pronounce over the years.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25pm
Doug Schulkind:

I was a huuge Rush fan in 1977-78. When I got to college, I called up the campus radio station and requested something from 2112. I said, "Make sure to pronounce the drummer's name Peert and not Pert." What a little prick I was.

My best friend Dan from high school won a radio contest and got to travel in a stretch limo to a Rush concert in Baltimore. He got a copy of all Rush's LPs and got to hang out backstage with the band. He brought my copy of 2112 and got it autographed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:25pm
Lizardner Dave:

Also we wore an onion on our belt because that was the fashion of the time.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:26pm

We're here for you.
Avatar 12:26pm

OH YEAH!!!!!!!
Listener Robert:

I wanted to register just "Robert", but that was taken. Ken himself had to put a hyphen before his registered name.
Avatar 12:26pm

the only Rush i liked was a local group in delaware county NY, back in the early 70s
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:27pm

greetings Uncle M and fellow djs
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:28pm

Thanks for that history, Lizardner. I always wonder what the story is behind listener names. I couldn't think of anything clever when I joined so I'm stuck with my own name.
Avatar 12:28pm

This is fun. Good on ya, Scraps.
Avatar 12:28pm

@coelacanth: Hey!
Avatar 12:29pm

All I know is, Rush is a Big Fat Idiot.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:29pm

But now subsequent melindas will have to choose something else, hahahaha!
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Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:30pm

Warm Leatherette: Hard to find a song more messed up than this one, which is why I love it so.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:30pm

okay, i'll request a first choice and a second choice - in no particular order...
"postures" by 13th floor elevators;
"mr. station master" by Roy Harper.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:30pm

I like Warm Leatherette.
Avatar 12:30pm

i've always been listener annie, with a lower case a, though; i discovered another listener Annie, whom i haven't seen in a while
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:31pm
Uncle Michael:

still b/p, I'm not telling.
Avatar 12:31pm

My user name is still in beta testing. I expect it always will be.
Avatar 12:31pm

Quick! Let's make love
Avatar 12:32pm

Thanks for sharing the memories Doug! Personally I think they kind of nailed it with Working Man and should have stayed with that vibe :)
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:32pm

hey Scraps!
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:32pm
Webhamster Henry:

A good segue would be Negativland's "Yellow Black and Rectangular"
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:32pm
listener james from westwood:

On the very long-ago WFMU message board I was listener james from hackensack (also in NJ for those outside the area).
Avatar 12:34pm

Richard was The Band's best vocalist...he had strong competition though.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm

So many songs to request.
Might as well upset the cart
"Animal Man" by Kim Fowley
Avatar 12:34pm

Warm Leatherette reminds me of the Trio track, "Anna (Let Me In, Let Me Out)"
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:34pm

Richard Manuel has such a nice falsetto on this...
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:34pm
Brian in UK:

Ah Richard. Danko was my man.
Avatar 12:34pm
still b/p:

Warm Leatherette has a different tempo but somehow seems in the same family as My Sex by Ultravox.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:34pm

My sister directed me to a Rush video that featured them in a recording studio with a lovely snowy Canadian landscape outside. Which is their natural habitat, I guess, but it seemed totally wrong to me. I always pictured them in an early 80s Texas shopping mall, which must be where I first heard them.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:36pm
Santos L. Halper:

Thanks for the Band. Jeez this song hits hard...
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:37pm
listener james from westwood:

Aw hell yes to Harold! Thanks, UM!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:37pm

Lizardner Dave was once Listener Dave. On the aforementioned defunct message board, he crowdsourced ideas for a new on-line handle. I suggested that he adopt the persona of a madly bohemian romantic pianist who was also a devout Jew and call himself "Davener Liszt". Strangely, he did not jump at that.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:38pm

Don't Leave Me This Way oddly fits nicely here...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:38pm
Little Danny:

I am surprised at how reasonable most of these requests are
Avatar 12:40pm

is the stream bouncing around? or is it just my silly laptop?
Avatar 12:40pm
still b/p:

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the LORD: though your (musical) sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:41pm
listener james from westwood:

@annie: hiccups on this end too!
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:41pm
Brian in UK:

Fifty years young.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:42pm

I think the stream is bouncing here too
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:42pm
Little Danny:

@annie Some of it may be UM cueing up requests?
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:42pm

I had the stream pop in and out for a bit there as well.
Avatar 12:42pm

@annie there have been a couple of dropouts to the stream
Avatar 12:42pm

I am not thinking of scallop tempura ...
Listener Robert:

Listener james, was that a dial-in BBS? Asking seriously, wondered if there was ever an official or unofficial (independent) fan BBS for WFMU.
Avatar 12:42pm

@annie: lots of the time, the stream gets interfered with the main stream. At least, that's what it does in my computer. It's irritating!
Avatar 12:43pm

as long as i'm not losing my mind...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:43pm
Lizardner Dave:

Ah yes, the message board. blog.wfmu.org...
Listener Robert:

Ha! And here I thought those alternating switchovers were some deliberate effect our Fearless DJ was using.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:45pm
listener james from westwood:

@L Robert: It was an official WFMU message board of the vBulletin software style. It grew infested by trolls and was eventually sent to a farm upstate.
Listener Robert:

Oh, you meant Beware of the Blog. Shucks, I was hoping to find out it'd been preceded by a telephonic BBS.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:46pm
Lizardner Dave:

Ah yes, the blog: blog.wfmu.org...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:47pm
Doug Schulkind:

Actually, the WFMU message board pre-dated Beware of the Blog. It was purely a locus for message threads and subthreads. The thing got bloated with trolling and was wiped.
Avatar 12:47pm

....sigh.... thanks UM.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:49pm

This Otis version is slower than I'm used to, different take?
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23 Wolves:

This hive-mind show is tasty! Snowy St. Louis sending love.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:49pm

Really Everybody's turn today.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:50pm
Webhamster Henry:

Supertramp, this is a guilty pleasure!
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i daren't leave my room for fear of missing something..
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listener james from westwood:

@Robert: WFMU was a pioneer in streaming its audio, though. In the mid 90s you could call a number and listen through a dial phone. Perfect for office speaker phones!
Avatar 12:50pm

trippy speed!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:50pm

Is this supposed to be happening?
Listener Robert:

Tape wow, turntable wow, or in the original?
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:51pm
listener james from westwood:

@annie: SERIOUSLY! This and Doug's show were "put on the WFMU app on the way to the mailbox" shows!
Avatar 12:51pm

I just googled Earache my Eye and am shocked by this: "According to Tommy Chong's autobiography, the famous guitar riff is played by Gaye Delorme, who also composed the music for the song. Additionally, Chong states that drums on the song are played by famed international percussionist Airto Moreira." I always thought it was Chong who played the guitar for some reason.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:51pm
Uncle Michael:

no, stupid dj adjusting on the fly
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:51pm
Webhamster Henry:

Yes, the WFMU BBS was a moderation nightmare. It was not sent upstate, it was sent into the cornfield.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:51pm
Jeff Golick:

Thanks, Mr. Dee Jay.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Alex In Illinois:

I had thought it was Cheech on guitar and Chong on drums. I think there is a scene in one of their movies where that is portrayed with that song.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:52pm
Jeff Golick:

(I would "fave" @listener james's comment @12:51, if that were a thing.)
Avatar 12:52pm

trippy speed -- that's what we said when we weren't satisfied with a batch of LSD: bad trip, too much speed.
Avatar 12:52pm

Nice request Jeff G.
Avatar 12:53pm

ditto, Jeff
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:53pm

I read some of the board comments on the page linked by Lizardner, one of them speculated that the high/low point of the board was when someone started asking where to buy crack. whoo-wee!
Listener Robert:

UM, you should always be so "stupid".

Then again, maybe your artistic sensibility doesn't comport with the WFMU DJs who don't just play recorded music, but play WITH recorded music, the way we did as kids.
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listener james from westwood:

Thanks, Jeff!
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Jeff Golick:

Thanks, tho I just requested the band. @UM made the selection.

Uncle Michael! Requesting "Everlasting Arm" by Mercury Rev. Crazay turntabling skillz highly encouraged.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:54pm
Doug Schulkind:

@Listener James
Could you explain what you mean about mailboxing shows on the app? Is this a feature of the new version of the app?
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Matt in Nebraska:

How about "Emma" by Hot Chocolate?
Avatar 12:55pm

Gaye Delorme wrote Earache My Eye and The Rodeo Song. That's a real legacy.
Avatar 12:55pm

Yea Alex, but as I recall it is obvious that Cheech is not actually playing in the movie. I guess in one of their movies Chong is wailing on guitar in his house and blasting out the neighbors, so I assumed he could really play.
Avatar 12:55pm

Now I'm not thinking of little savory pastry tarts made with comté and caramelized leeks.
Avatar 12:55pm

Crime of the Century is a great album. Dreamer, Bloody Well Right, School... awesome
Avatar 12:56pm

Iceberg! yeah
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 12:56pm

Brian: I was not thinking of any of those amazing foods. Damn you.
Avatar 12:56pm

This is living up to its promise
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:57pm

"emma" is a Great song, and one of the most obvious demonstrations of something Prince must've listened to a lot when he was "forming".
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Slap that snare, Ziggy!
Avatar 12:57pm

@chromaphone that's in the beginning to Cheech and Chong's Next Movie. their best movie!
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Hot Chocolate is so underrated. In America, anyway.
Avatar 12:58pm

Stream just hopped dimensions.
Avatar 12:58pm

@Scraps agreed.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 12:58pm

Never heard this Meters cut. Very Todd-like
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Yup, here too, stream.
Avatar 12:59pm

Thank you, βrian, now I know It's not my computer
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listener james from westwood:

We're back!
Avatar 12:59pm

I make mine with extra rich cocoa, whole milk, Ceylon cinnamon, and cayenne. A little Calvados to augment.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:00pm

Turning it THE FUCK up!
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Alex In Illinois:

@ chromaphone: In Nice Dreams, they have an electric guitar and microphone plugged in to their ice cream truck's speaker system, but I can't remember which one was on guitar and which one singing.
V Priceless:

yeah! Woo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:01pm
Uncle Michael:

Parq, I went with the rehearsal recording. OK?
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Brian: Now with the Calvados? Have you no pity?
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... which of course calls to mind buckwheat crêpes folded around a steamed egg with grated emmental and slivers of smoked salmon ...
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Jeff Golick:

801 really milked a lot out these few days.
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Jeff Golick:

(Not that I'm complaining.)
Avatar 1:05pm

I think my favorite Hot Chocolate song might be Brother Louie, just because I loved it so much as a kid.
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Ohh, so that's why it sounds different! Yeah, great, I get to hear my song *and* hear something new!
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 1:05pm

Hello All, Late to the party( At least part where I was keyboard enabled). You'se guys have great taste! If it's not too late, Unc, if you have Capt Beefheart's "Sure 'Nuff 'n' Yes, I Do". A boy can hope!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:07pm
Doug Schulkind:

@Listener James
Could you explain what you meant by mailboxing shows on the WFMU app? Is this a new feature?
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 1:07pm

801 Live was the best/most dangerous tape to ski to, back in the day. I remember queuing up Third Uncle, repeatedly, for a particularly gnarly stretch of trail. I do not think it encouraged me to move more cautiously, and I was grateful.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:08pm

i couldn't pick a favorite hot chocolate song, but emma and brother louie are 2 of the best. (i just as much love stories' version)
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Brian in UK:

@βrian buckwheat crêpes are galettes over here. I prefer the savory to the sweet of crêpes.
Avatar 1:09pm

Brother Louie is a great song. In America we know by a band called Stories, which is not as great but still a little bit great
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JP from KC:

What up, Unc?! Can you give me "Bored" by Iggy Pop?
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But You Sexy Thing... awesome!

Every 1's a Winner, also.
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JP from KC:

Or "Common People" by William Shatner!
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oops, i missed your comment, coelacanth!
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No I wanted Chong! cool
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Brian in UK:

Who is it? Dave & the.....
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Yea, You Sexy Thing is probably the best song I've heard by them, but the Stories version of Brother L just scratches this intense nostalgia itch.
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I could also go for a whole steamed Red Snapper drizzled with hot peanut oil, cilantro, minced ginger, and shiso. If you please ...
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Uh-oh, I think I know what's coming.
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Brian in UK:

Remember the first time you heard this song.
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Doug Schulkind:

Maybe Uncle Michael should issue a trigger warning.
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Bill Withers is so good. There is a documentary about him, Still Bill.
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JP from KC:

Ok. Two more: Pink Floyd's "Careful With That Ax, Eugene," or pretty much anything from The Velvet Underground's selftitled album.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 1:17pm

Shatner's "Common People" is actually great, maybe the best/only thing he did that is worth playing without irony.
I vote "You Sexy Thing" in the Hot Chocolate debate, just love that!
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holland oats:

fave lips era / hi all
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Jeff Golick:

I've already had my request filled, so have no real right to go back to the well, but: "Sister Golden Hair" would be fun.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:21pm

Scraps @1:09 i was pretty little when i was in a thrift store looking through the records, and found "cicero park". i liked brother louie from the radio so i bought it. even though it was a different version, i found another band to love.
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Jeff Golick:

This day o radio has not been great for my productivity @ work.
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holland oats:

'moods baby moods' by sonny and the sunsets
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listener james from westwood:

Good call on Timmy Thomas!
Avatar 1:23pm

jeff, i'm seriously stuck here... i have to get something to eat, but.. well, music is the food (of love).. play on!
Avatar 1:23pm

Better Off Dead with the, um, surprising end not only was a last song on its album, but it was Withers first album! Man.
Avatar 1:24pm

that's better...
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 1:24pm

Nice, The Wheel has come
(thankfully slow at work, can catch most of this).
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Garcia on Pedal Steel I believe.
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Uncle Michael:

Avatar 1:26pm

heh, haven't heard this in like thirty years
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@coelacanth: I never heard "Cicero Park" until recently.
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Garcia was in so many ways underserved by the Grateful Dead...
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:29pm

Nice choice, Melinda. Just played this album at home a few days ago. "Martha" just kills me, and "Hope that I Don't Fall" is another favorite.
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It is difficult to parse how, back in the early days, Tom Waits was often touted in the same articles as Bruce Springsteen. Singer/songwriter connection, but still...
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Brian in UK:

I thought I detected bits of Sugar Magnolia in The Wheel.
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Oh, now. Weir and Lesh are pretty great, and that's not even including Hunter
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Thanks, Parq. I love Closing Time. Tough choices, though, I was going to go with Jockey Full of Bourbon.
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Halfway through!
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The non-electric version of Ice Cream Man on The Early Years is especially nice.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:33pm

Garcia had already released a solo album that he played nearly everything on, no?
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yeah... but still....
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I thought Garcia was his first solo...
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anyway - Pig Pen! ...pig pen and garcia. everyone else was expendable. {ducks}
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@Steve: I agree it's weird to think of Tom and Bruce being lumped together in the early days. And yet there's a song or two from later on where Tom sounds very Springsteen, to me.
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(I think this album, Garcia, was all Garcia, with Kreutzman on drums, at least that's my recollection (and Wikepedia's take)
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yes. according to album credits, Jerry played everything on that album and "the wheel", except drums.
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WTF are you guys talking about regarding the Dead? Garcia is amazing but come on! Check out anything from '72, that band is telepathic and grooving. Personally, I wish they did more all-acoustic stuff.
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The Godchauxs were great, everyone else sux!
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Stevel, remember when Bruce was the "new Bob Dylan"? So were several other people, possibly including Waits. Elliott Murphy cracked that he was going to form a "New Bob Dylan Club".
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You're kidding about the Godchaux's, no?
Avatar 1:39pm

Thanks UM - I do really like this song! (and I always forget about the weird intro)
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Parq: Oh yeah, now that you mention it. I think that was the crux of the thread, that male singer/songwriters had nothing to seek but Dylan's mantle.
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i just can't stand weir. never could. still can't.
-and the addition of piano to their music was the beginning of the end, in my opinion.
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Oh! I didn't think about Have Moicy! Oh well, next all-request game.
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(the "...yes" was answering doctorjazz.)
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Brian in UK:

Not going to enter the Dead debate just to say that Workingmans Dead & American Beauty are timeless in the same way as The Bands' early albums.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 1:43pm

Garcia was always the main focus for me as well, could definitely live without Bob Weir. Though Lesh was a major part of the shifting, improvisatory sound, wouldn't be them without him.

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Brian in UK:

The Mercury Rev sounds different to the album.
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agreed, BrianUK.
Avatar 1:44pm

@Brian in UK: I agree, agree, agree.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 1:44pm

Garcia could fit in with country music and with Ornette...not too many out there that could do that.
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Uncle Michael:

Peel Session
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Brian in UK:

Jerry Garcia was a Lord Buckley fan. Nuff said.
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I love the piano (until they started using crappy synth sounds that is) and Lesh is great and Weir wrote some great tunes and the drums are groovin and pig pen had soul and... For me the beginning of the end is whatever drugs and album producers they were using in the mid 70s. Brian in UK, yes classic albums, although as everyone knows the Dead really shone when playing live.
Avatar 1:46pm

heh, i missed the Dead debate. all i can say is i loved them in high school, went to a couple shows (Lewiston was good) and then i went to college and all my Dead LPs got broken. I had Ace, too, but that one i think i sold.
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Mmm, I like Garcia, I really like Ornette, and they didn't work together (IMGDO)
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this is soooo good.
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holland oats:

...OR new counter intuits OR new lemon twigs

It's the Peel Sessions version of Everlasting Arm. A bit less precious than the album version. I like it.
Avatar 1:50pm

this is fun, both the music and the conversation. Thank you, Uncle Michael!
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Don't know this Hot Chocolate tune, it's great!
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Ah, Beefheart!
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holland oats:

OR new 75 dollar bill. (i'll shut up now.)

...as Uncle Michael mentioned a few comments down. oops
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Great Beefheart, really channeling Wolf!
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poor old holy model rounders, left at the wayside .
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DocJazz, isn't it? I stumbled onto it on a music blog years ago. What a killer, huh?
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@annie, we will pick them up the next time through!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:53pm

Thanks! but, something's wrong! double tracking or something.
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Jeff Golick:

So many instantly recognizable voices in this set.
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sounds good from here
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(i think it's okay now... or maybe a different mix than that i know)
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Uncle Michael:

Not hearing what you're hearing, coelacanth. This is the mono mix.
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holland oats:

best psych album of all times
Avatar Swag For Life Member 1:54pm

The Captain reminds me, the recent Blast of Hot Air linked to this cool page:
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oh, good....thanks scraps..
Avatar 1:59pm

This songs always makes me laugh

Shake Hands With Beef
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Alex In Illinois:

This Iggy Pop song and a tune by the Bar-Kays seem to have the same groove, and I always wanted to hear one right after the other.
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Jeff Golick:

So many instantly recognizable voices in this set.
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Rich in Washington:

Something by Robyn Hitchcock would be fab. Suprise me/us. Thanks, UM!
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 2:01pm

That's great, the Bar-Kays sound didn't jump out until you mentioned it, Alex, cool.
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V Priceless:

super-fun show, Uncle M! Thanx for rolling with it! I imagine it's not that easy putting this together on the fly! Bravo!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:04pm
JP from KC:

AWW MAN! I had to step out of the office literally right before you played Iggy! Story of my life. I'll catch it in the archives.

I forgot "please"... sorry
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JP from KC, that is why i'm sitting still.
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holland oats:

yay! thx
Avatar 2:06pm

...aaand, there's the snow.
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JP from KC:

I really should have. Thanks for the dedication and shout-out, UM.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 2:08pm

@JP from KC...I did the same when my Withered and Died request came on early in the show, went to one of the streaming services (TIDAL) while credits were being given between sets to hear it.
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Doug Schulkind:

I love that you are using requested tracks as talkover music. Very satisfying.
Avatar 2:09pm

Yeah, I stepped out when UM played Better Off Dead. I used to have a blog where I played one song a day, and when came time to play Withers, Better Off Dead was the one I played....poot.

But I will listen to this at least once more!

TankQ, UNC. Once again, my tardiness is rewarded!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:10pm
Rich in Washington:

Thanks, UM!
Avatar 2:11pm

a great Hitchcock song -- yay!

scary seamless

am i too late?
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Uncle Michael:

If I've missed your first request, please tell me!
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Uncle Michael:

no, Ron
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V Priceless:


if i can still make a request, do you have "designated driver" by NRBQ?
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Alice's vocal in the West Side story section sounds a bit like Angry Samoans.
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Andrew Waterloo:

I spent all my Christmas card money on early Alice Cooper

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Gaylord Fields:

Yikes — that was not the original version of "Don't Pull Your Love"!
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and the original isn't even that great in the first place, lol.
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It's on one of those Have A Nice Day discs.
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Gaylord Fields:

@chromaphone: Them's fightin' words — the original is pop perfection!
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Good Lord. Now I'm sliding into a post-Indian-buffet food coma.
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Lol Gaylord, ok ok I take it back.
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but Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds did the hit
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We really ought to hear the original now that you've taken the firm position...

Any chance of Share the Land by the Guess Who?
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Rich in Washington:

UM, your Have A Nice Day feature show a few years back prompted me to buy the whole damn set, put it on our common jukebox/computer and my wife and I used it as our remodeling soundtrack - it being the only music we can mutually agree on.
Sadly, we're sick of lots of the songs by now, especially that Hamilton, Frank & Reynolds track.

yay, thanks!!!!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:26pm
Rich in Washington:

@βrian: post-Indian-buffet food comas are the best, are they not?
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listener james from westwood:

@UM: You're doing awesome.
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Uncle Michael:

Sorry, Rich.
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 2:28pm

Just got the NRBQ box, starting to check it out, somehow they have always been on to do list but never got to them.
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Poor guy doesn't even warrant an adverbial suffix?
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Rich in Washington:

No need. We're still gettin' mileage out of it, sans a few songs. I've also supplemented lots of notable omissions.
Avatar 2:28pm

yes! i miss so much 8th street indian. my favorite cuisine
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Rich in Washington:

Now I'm waiting for the Rhino 80s box set to drop.
Ramblin' Ray:

Thanks Uncle!

somewhere i saw the track listing for the NRBQ box - it seems like it was too heavily weighted towards more recent stuff for me
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:30pm
Uncle Michael:

my pleasure!

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Talkin'bout together, now.
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Gaylord Fields:

@chromaphone: Ha! That record probably never inspired that much passion before!
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Good Call Leonardo!
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Jeff Golick:

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Andrew Waterloo:

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Rich in Washington:

I can't believe this album's 30 years old.
Avatar 2:36pm

I'm amazed that no one requested the Fall.

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Jeff Golick:

(Missed the talkover request, though. Curious to hear what it was all about - will recheck in archivia.)
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Jeff Golick:

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Rich in Washington:

watched an amusing video over vacation - the original Pistols - who're now GEEZERS - wandering around London, commenting on everything. Lydon's bit is pretty funny - riding around on a tour bus yelling at passersby, complaining about the declining state of London metropolitan architecture.
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Uncle Michael:

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Jeff Golick:

I actually had "Cassette."
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Brian in UK:

Uncle, brilliantly handled. Here's to the next time.
Well done.
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Jeff Golick:

Lydon and Kathleen Hanna would make a pretty good duo, I think.
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Jeff Golick:

Unless that'd be too much of a good thing?
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listener james from westwood:

There was a joint production of "The Wall" some decades back, late 80s or so, w/ various artists each taking a song. I forget who got "Run Like Hell" but I recall thinking at the time that Lydon would've KILLED on that track.
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Andrew Waterloo:

It's too bad they couldn't tour Album.
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Wilson K:

Another avuncular afternoon. Ahhhhhh.

dont worry unk - we're not going anywhere; they have us chained up at work:)
Avatar 🛒 Swag For Life Member 2:42pm

Been a barrel of fun, UM, thanks.
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listener james from westwood:

If "Maajun" = "Majoun," it's a Mideast hashish delivery system, if I recall my Burroughs right.
Avatar Swag For Life Member 2:43pm

This is great talkover music.
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I thought FMU DJs were just put in the DJ closet between shows.
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I'll catch the request this time, great.
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Work's gotta wait.
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JP from KC:

That Shatner track would be a great follow-up, here. Just sayin....
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Andrew Waterloo:

Robot Arms Apartments. Vacancy's for Robots and WFMU DJs.
Ramblin' Ray:

@listener james: spot on - it is a tasty sweetmeat and Davy's was quite likely psychoactive. Full title is "Maajun (A Taste of Tangier)".
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listener james from westwood:

@Ray: Then that's it exactly; that's where WSB picked it up. (Still boggles the mind he lived to 83! Adamantine constitution, that one!)
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V Priceless:

wow - thanks Uncle Michael!
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Uncle Michael:

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oh i like this Association song too
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That was really fun and captivating = Thanks UM!
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I love the Association.

i'm really enjoying hearing stuff i've never heard before
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ahhhhhhhhh! do ya do ya want my love!
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Mary Wing:

Great show today, Uncle Michael!
Listener Robert:

Darn, you're going to make me choose between sticking thru this one & switching to Monica!
Avatar 2:58pm

great show today UM, even though most of it was not entirely in my taste, the enthusiasm made up for it.. loved it!
Avatar 2:58pm

nice closer! love this song. this was great, thanks so much!
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Uncle Michael:

Thanks Mary....I'm done, Robert!

Thanks everyone! I love you all more than before.
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V Priceless:

haha..thank YOU Uncle M! You ROCK! Cheers!
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Rich in Washington:

Thanks, UM! Fun show!

thanks, mike!
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JP from KC:

Awesome show UM! Thanks!
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too much fun for one day!
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what a Great song.
Ramblin' Ray:

A blast. Thanks UM.
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Jeff Golick:

Again I say: WHOO!
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Andrew Waterloo:

You're the best UM!
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Lizardner Dave:

Fun! Thanks UM!

hugs to you. thx
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Thanks Uncle M! Great show!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm

What a blast, what a ride! Congrats to all.
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listener james from westwood:

Smashing ending and what a spread of tunes! Thanks, all, for your killer requests, and to UM for assembling them on such short notice!!
Avatar Swag For Life Member 3:01pm

Thanks UM! Looking forward to the next one. This was great fun.
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V Priceless:

yes - thanks to all! : )
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Uncle Michael:

Thanks so much everyone...see you next week.
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Great stuff, until next week!
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